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Package deal for WVU NSG 311 Exam 2024 $41.49   Ajouter au panier


Package deal for WVU NSG 311 Exam 2024

Package deal for WVU NSG 311 Exam 2024

10 éléments

NSG 311 - Exam 4 (Diabetes), Miner, WVU 2020 quizzes


What is an AKI? - Insult to kikdneys from trauma, blood loss, dehydration What is a Pre Renal AKI? What causes it? - Kidneys are not getting enough blood flow or hydration (ex: hemorrhage, trauma, dehydration) This is ANYTHING BEFORE THE KIDNEYS Something isn't letting it get to the kid...

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WVU NSG 311 Exam 1 Neuro Content questions and answers graded A


What are the parts of the Central Nervous System? - brain and spinal cord What are the parts of the peripheral nervous system? - cranial and spinal nerves; include both autonomic and somatic systems What is the basic functional unit of the neurologic system? - neuron What is the function of...

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NSG 311 - Exam 1 (Neuro Assessment), Adams, WVU 2020


What is the function of the nervous system? - Controls all motor, sensory, autonomic, cognitive and behavior activities What do neurotransmitters do? - Communicate messages from one neuron to another or to a specific target tissue They can potentiate (speed up), terminate, or modulate, a spec...

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NSG 311 - Exam 2 (Cardiac), Miner, WVU 2020


What is the endocardium? - Inner most layer What is the Myocardium? - Muscle of the heart Responsible for pumping What is the Epicardium? - Exterior portion of the heart What is the Pericardium? - 2 layers that attach to epicardium and visceral pericardium Space filled with fluid that...

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NSG 310 - Exam 2 (Labor and Birth Process PPT), McCarty, WVU 2020 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS


What is a Passenger? - The fetus What is the Presentation of the fetus? - The part of the fetus that enters the pelvic inlet first and leads through the birth canal during labor What are the different presentations a fetus can be? - Cephalic Breech Shoulder What is the Fetal Lie? - Th...

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NSG 310 Quiz #4 Study guide questions and answers


What is the Left Anterior Descending (LAD) Artery? - The artery that supplies the left ventricle Which artery is most commonly involved in myocardial infarction? - LAD artery Where do veins from the upper and lower body enter the heart? - The right atrium Where do veins from the lungs enter...

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NSG-310 Legal and Ethical Terms study guide 2024


Advanced direct - Is a document where written instructions are recognized under state law related to the provision of medical care when an individual is incapacitated and unable to state desired care advocate - Is someone who speaks up for or acts on behalf of clients autonomy - Refers to the ...

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WVU NSG 310 Exam 3 Newborn Care and Assessment Content QUIZZES


How do we clear the airway of a neonate once they are born? - suction (delee, bulb) APGAR - What is radiation (mechanism of heat loss)? - sitting next to something cold, so you will be cold (ex. baby sitting next to a cold window) What is convection (mechanism of heat loss)? - air blowing ...

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WVU NSG 310 Exam 1 Antepartum Content STUDY GUIDE


How long is the span of Gestation? - 40 weeks How long are each of the trimesters? - 1st Trimester: 1-13 weeks 2nd Trimester: 14-26 weeks 3rd Trimester: 27-40 weeks What test do we do to diagnose pregnancy? - Urine test What is found in the urine to make a pregnancy test positive? - hcg: ...

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NSG-310 Exam 3 Questions and Answers Top-Rated 2024


Examples of therapeutic nonverbal communication - eye contact/no eye contact body language posture fidgeting writing gestures Components of body language - facial expressions, eye contact, movement and gestures (the factor of distance and the factor of elevation), and personal appe...

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