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SCRIBE America Exam/Actual Exam Full Packaged Solution(A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

SCRIBE America Exam/Actual Exam Full Packaged Solution(A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

34 éléments

ScribeAmerica Final Exam ED 2023 Questions and Answers 100% Correct.


What are the 3 types of dispositions? - ANSWER-Discharge, Admit, Transfer What does HPI stand for? - ANSWER-history of present illness What does ROS stand for? - ANSWER-review of systems The HPI and ROS are considered what type of information? - ANSWER-subjective The physical exam is wha...

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ScribeAmerica Outpatient Final Exam 2023/2024 Questions and Answers. (Verified Answers)


What does "PHI" stand for? Expand the abbreviation - ANSWER-protected health information What medical term describes the surgical removal of the gallbladder? - ANSWER-cholecystectomy T/F. Sharing information about a case with family is allowed, as long as you are scribing with the physician ...

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ScribeAmerica Final Exam Review Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)


AAA - ANSWER-Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm A Fib - ANSWER-Atrial Fibrillation Abd - ANSWER-Abdomen, Abdominal Abx - ANSWER-Antibiotics AMA - ANSWER-Against Medical Advice AMS - ANSWER-Altered Mental Status ASA - ANSWER-Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) BID - ANSWER-Twice Daily Bilat...

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ScribeAmerica ED Final Exam Prep Questions and Answers. (100% Correct)


What does ROS stand for? - ANSWER-Review of Systems The HPI and ROS are considered what type of information? - ANSWER-Subjective The physical exam (PE) is what type of information? - ANSWER-Objective If a physician told you a patient's abdomen was nontender or the patient's skin was pale,...

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Home Health Aide Exam Questions & Answers (Rated A)


Who does the care team revolve around? - ANSWER-The client and his/her condition, treatment, and progress If an activity is not listed on the care plan, what should a HHA do? - ANSWER-The HHA should not perform the activity if it's not listed on the care plan Why is reporting a client's change...

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ScribeAmerica Final Exam Review Completely Solved


AAA - ANSWER-Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm A Fib - ANSWER-Atrial Fibrillation Abd - ANSWER-Abdomen, Abdominal Abx - ANSWER-Antibiotics AMA - ANSWER-Against Medical Advice AMS - ANSWER-Altered Mental Status ASA - ANSWER-Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) BID - ANSWER-Twice Daily Bilat...

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Study Guide for ScribeAmerica Final Best Rated Test Bank


Subjective - ANSWER-Feeling (patient) Objective - ANSWER-Fact (provider) Benign - ANSWER-Normal, nothing of concern Acute - ANSWER-New onset Chronic - ANSWER-Long-standing Baseline - ANSWER-An individual's normal state of being Auscultation - ANSWER-Listening with a stethoscope ...

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ScribeAmerica Outpatient Final Exam with A+ Rating Answers


subjective vs objective - ANSWER-feeling vs fact pain vs tenderness - ANSWER-patients feeling vs physicians assessment benign - ANSWER-normal, nothing of concern acute vs chronic - ANSWER-new onset vs long standing baseline - ANSWER-an individuals normal state of being ausculation - A...

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Scribe America final hospitalist A+ exam questions & Answers


What does HPI stand for? - ANSWER-history of present illness ROS stands for - ANSWER-review of systems What section focuses directly on the chief complaint? - ANSWER-HPI Write the full medical term for the following past medical history term: High blood pressure - ANSWER-Hypertension ...

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ScribeAmerica OP Final Exam Top ranked study Materials


New Patient - ANSWER-No previous records, longer visit, detailed chart established patient - ANSWER-Previous records available from last 3 years, shorter visit, concise chart Diagnostic visit - ANSWER-New problem, chief complaint: new symptom, goal is to determine the cause of the problem and ...

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ScribeAmerica Outpatient Final: Practice Questions & Best Graded Answers


What will the scribe document for the outpatient visit? - ANSWER-Important notes for past medical records History and Physical Laboratory and radiology results Physician Interpretation of XRs and EKGs Assessment and Plan Who is the first person to speak with the patient after he/she is place...

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ScribeAmerica Emergency Room Final Exam Questions With highest/Verified Ratings


Past Medical History - ANSWER-PMHx High Blood Pressure - ANSWER-Hypertension (HTN) Abbreviation for Hypertension - ANSWER-HTN High cholesterol - ANSWER-Hyperlipidemia (HLD) Abbreviation for Hyperlipidemia - ANSWER-HLD Thyroid Problem - ANSWER-Usually Hypothyroidism, sometimes Hyperthy...

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HM Scribe America Top Scoring test questions & answers


What does the physical exam finding "CVA" stand for? - ANSWER-Cerebrovascular Accident What does "AAA" stand for? - ANSWER-Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm What does "PNA" stand for? - ANSWER-Pneumonia What does "CAD" stand for? - ANSWER-Coronary Artery Disease What does "BKA" stand f...

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ScribeAmerica Final Exam Top Ranked Study Materials(A+ GRADE)


SOAP - ANSWER-subjective, objective, assessment, plan Examples of subjective data - ANSWER-HPI, ROS, PHx (medical, surgical, social, family Examples of objective data - ANSWER-Physical exams, orders and results Chief Complaint - ANSWER-The main reason for the patient's visit EMR/EHR - A...

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Final Exam Scribe America With Complete/Verified Solutions


What does "IDDM" stand for? Do not include any hyphenations for your answer. - ANSWER-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus What does "AMS" stand for? - ANSWER-Altered Mental Status A patient states she has had a productive cough for 4 days, and yesterday she developed a fever. Would her fev...

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ScribeAmerica Physical Exam With Complete Solutions!


Do any patient complaints belong in the physical exam? - ANSWER-NO If a patient states that their abdomen is very painful, does that mean it will be tender upon exam? - ANSWER-No. subjective info vs objective Which of these two physical exam findings can a physician appreciate without ausculta...

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Scribe America Final Exam Questions With Correctly SOLVED Answers


Subjective - ANSWER-feeling; based on conversation with patient objective - ANSWER-fact; based on findings made by physician benign - ANSWER-nothing of concern; no danger to health acute - ANSWER-new onset chronic - ANSWER-long standing baseline - ANSWER-individual's normal standard ...

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ScribeAmerica - Introductory Training Packet Questions and Answers (GRADED A)


Abrasion - ANSWER-Scrape of the skin due to something abrasive. Acute - ANSWER-New, usually of rapid onset and of concern, opposite of chronic. Anterior - ANSWER-Located towards the front of the body. Benign - ANSWER-Normal, of no danger to health. Bradycardia - ANSWER-Slow heart-rate (l...

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Scribe America Final Exam Review Questions (Courses 1-5) and Answers Correct 100%


Fill in the blanks for ED Flow: Walk in > *Blank 1* > Bed > Physician Assessment > Lab/Rad/Meds > Results > MDM > Diagnosis > Consults > *Blank 2* - ANSWER-Triage, Disposition What are the 3 disposition options? - ANSWER-Discharge, Admit, Transfer What are the 5 vita...

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ScribeAmerica Final Exam Quetions Correct 100% Answers


What is the ED Flow? - ANSWER-Walk-in > Triage > Bed > Physician Assessment > Lab/Rad/Meds > Results ? MDM > Diagnosis > Consults > Disposition What are the 5 vital signs? - ANSWER-blood pressure, pulse, repsiratory rate, temperature, O2 Saturation The HPI and ROS are w...

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Scribe America Ortho Final Exam Correct Questions & Answers(RATED A)


Abrasion -ANSWER- Scratch to skin Acute -ANSWER- Serious, rapid onset Anterior -ANSWER- Towards the front of body Benign -ANSWER- Not serious Chronic -ANSWER- Constant, opposite of acute Congenital -ANSWER- Anomaly you are born with Deformation -ANSWER- Normal structure pushed out ...

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ScribeAmerica Initial Exam Questions With Correct / Pass 100% Answers


Abrasion -ANSWER-Scrape of the skin due to something abrasive. Abscess -ANSWER-Pus underneath the skin Antipyretic -ANSWER-Fever reducing medication Acute -ANSWER-New,Rapid onset Afebrile -ANSWER-W/O a fever (temp less than 100.4) Anterior -ANSWER-Front of the body Appendicitis -AN...

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Scribe America Final exam guide(AA) With Complete Solution


1. CAD: - ANSWER-Coronary Artery Disease 2. HTN: - ANSWER-Hypertension 3. DM - ANSWER-Diabetes Mellitus 4. MI: - ANSWER-Myocardial infarction 5. CHF: - ANSWER-Congestive heart failure 6. AFIB: - ANSWER-Atrial fibrillation 7. PE: - ANSWER-Physical exam or pulmonary embolism 8. DV...

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ScribeAmerica ED Final Exam Prep. Completely Solved


What does ROS stand for? - ANSWER-Review of Systems The HPI and ROS are considered what type of information? - ANSWER-Subjective The physical exam (PE) is what type of information? - ANSWER-Objective If a physician told you a patient's abdomen was nontender or the patient's skin was pale,...

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Scribe America Final Questions and Answers(Already Graded A+)


What does "PHI" stand for? Expand the abbreviation. (Remember: do not include any extra spaces before or after the term/phrase) - ANSWER-Protected Health Information What medical term describes the surgical removal of the gallbladder? (Remember: when typing your answer, do not include any extra...

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Scribe America Final Exam Questions and Answers 100% Correct


medical decision making -ANSWER- the physician's thought process distress -ANSWER- the doctor's judgement of discomfort baseline -ANSWER- an individual's normal state of being Unit Secretary -ANSWER- places physician's orders, answers calls, pages for other specialists, organizes pt. pa...

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ScribeAmerica Final Exam: Terminology and Abbreviations, Scribe America Final- From Workbook 100% Solved


Abrasion - ANSWER-Scrape of the skin due to something abrasive. Acute - ANSWER-New, usually of rapid onset and of concern, opposite of chronic. Ambulate - ANSWER-To walk from place to place Anisocoria - ANSWER-Unequal Pupils Anterior - ANSWER-Located towards the front of the body. Aor...

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ScribeAmerica classroom training final exam Solved 100%


Different components of the SOAP note and what belongs in each section - ANSWER-Subjective includes - Chief Complaint (CC) - History of Present Illness (HPI) - Review of Systems (ROS) In between subjective and objective is the Past history (PMHx, PSHx, SHx, FHx) Objective include - Vital Signs...

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Scribe America Final Exam Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) With Correct Answers


Cerumen - ANSWER-Earwax Dentition - ANSWER-Teeth Dry mucosa - ANSWER-Dry tongue, mouth, and lips, indicating significant dehydration Edentulous - ANSWER-Without teeth Epistaxis - ANSWER-Nose bleed Gingiva - ANSWER-Gums Nare - ANSWER-Nostril Oropharynx - ANSWER-The back of the mo...

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Abbreviations ScribeAmerica final exam with complete solutions


A&O - ANSWER-Alert and oriented A fib - ANSWER-Atrial fibrillation ABC - ANSWER-Airway, breathing, circulation ABG - ANSWER-Arterial blood pressure abnl - ANSWER-abnormal ACLS - ANSWER-Advanced cardiac life support ADH - ANSWER-Antidiuretic hormone ADLs - ANSWER-Activities of da...

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Scribe America Final Exam Cardiovascular (CV) Questions & Answers(A+ RATED/ 100% Solved)


Aneurysm - ANSWER-Localized ballooning of a vessel due to a weakened vessel wall Arrhythmia - ANSWER-Irregular heartbeat Artery - ANSWER-Blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart, muscular, contractile Bradycardia - ANSWER-Slow heart rate (HR<60) Cardiomegaly - ANSWER-Enlarged h...

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What happens if you do not complete the course in 15 days and/or fail the final exam twice? - ANSWER-On the 15th day after passing the initial quiz, my course progress will be reset back to 0%. I will then be able to re-progress through the course. When does my certificate for passing Scribe101 e...

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Scribe America Questions & Answers(A+ RATED)


PHI - ANSWER-Protected Health Information Cholecystectomy - ANSWER-What medical term describes the surgical removal of the gallbladder? False - ANSWER-T/F: Sharing information about a case with family is allowed, as long as you are scribing with the physician assigned to the case. Establish...

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ScribeAmerica Urology Final Exam Questions & Answers(GRADED A+)


2x vendu

crc - ANSWER-colorectal cancer sbo - ANSWER-small bowel obstruction -iasis - ANSWER-condition of -meate - ANSWER-opening vesi- - ANSWER-bladder -ptosis - ANSWER-drooping -tripsy - ANSWER-surgical crushing c/o - ANSWER-complains of h/o - ANSWER-history of ttp - ANSWER-tende...

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