[ Mehr anzeigen ]List the major structures of the lymphatic system. - Tonsils, spleen, nodes, lymph 
vessels, thymus (not thyroid) 
What are the three things required for an infection to occur? - Pathogen, host, 
mode of transmission 
List and describe the six links of the chain of infection. - Pathogen - organism t...
Vorschau 2 aus 14 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenList the major structures of the lymphatic system. - Tonsils, spleen, nodes, lymph 
vessels, thymus (not thyroid) 
What are the three things required for an infection to occur? - Pathogen, host, 
mode of transmission 
List and describe the six links of the chain of infection. - Pathogen - organism t...
Which of the following drive the market for EVs? 
Select one: 
a.Cheaper gasoline prices 
b.Decreased cost of electric vehicles 
c.Increased interest in alternatives to gas-powered vehicles 
d.Both b. and c. - d.Both b. and c. 
A partial zero emissions vehicle (PZEV) is defined as which of the follo...
Vorschau 3 aus 21 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenWhich of the following drive the market for EVs? 
Select one: 
a.Cheaper gasoline prices 
b.Decreased cost of electric vehicles 
c.Increased interest in alternatives to gas-powered vehicles 
d.Both b. and c. - d.Both b. and c. 
A partial zero emissions vehicle (PZEV) is defined as which of the follo...
The smallest size locking and grounding type receptacle that may be used to 
provide shore power for boats is _____. - 30A 
A commercial kitchen with more than six pieces of kitchen equipment is subject to 
a demand factor of _____. - 65% 
What is the load for 40 non-dwelling unit receptacles? (Assu...
Vorschau 1 aus 3 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenThe smallest size locking and grounding type receptacle that may be used to 
provide shore power for boats is _____. - 30A 
A commercial kitchen with more than six pieces of kitchen equipment is subject to 
a demand factor of _____. - 65% 
What is the load for 40 non-dwelling unit receptacles? (Assu...
What is the demand factor allowed by the NEC® for calculating the neutral 
conductor size for electric range load? - 70% 
Using the VA/linear foot method, the total VA that must be used in a service 
calculation for a 50' show window is - 12,500VA 
Before it is considered a continuous load, a load...
Vorschau 1 aus 4 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenWhat is the demand factor allowed by the NEC® for calculating the neutral 
conductor size for electric range load? - 70% 
Using the VA/linear foot method, the total VA that must be used in a service 
calculation for a 50' show window is - 12,500VA 
Before it is considered a continuous load, a load...
Load calculated at 2 circuit 1500VA. - Small Appliance Ciruit 
Voltage drop formula 1 
VD = (2*L*R*I)/1,000 - VD = voltage drop (in volts) 
L = load center or total length in feet 
R = conductor resistance per NEC Chapter 9, Table 8 
I = current 
The number 1,000 represents 1,000' or less of conduc...
Vorschau 2 aus 11 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenLoad calculated at 2 circuit 1500VA. - Small Appliance Ciruit 
Voltage drop formula 1 
VD = (2*L*R*I)/1,000 - VD = voltage drop (in volts) 
L = load center or total length in feet 
R = conductor resistance per NEC Chapter 9, Table 8 
I = current 
The number 1,000 represents 1,000' or less of conduc...
What is the minimum demand required for the portion of a feeder that supplies 30ft 
of show window? 
30ft x 200va = 6000 va 
Residential Small apliance circuits must be rated at __________ per NEC 
1500 va 
When performing load calculations for farm buildings the load that must be 
Vorschau 2 aus 11 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenWhat is the minimum demand required for the portion of a feeder that supplies 30ft 
of show window? 
30ft x 200va = 6000 va 
Residential Small apliance circuits must be rated at __________ per NEC 
1500 va 
When performing load calculations for farm buildings the load that must be 
What NEC Article covers feeder circuits? 
NEC Article 215 
3 multiple choice options 
The conductors and equipment for delivering electric energy from the serving 
utility to the wiring system of the premises served is a? 
3 multiple choice options 
The overhead conductors between the utili...
Vorschau 2 aus 12 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenWhat NEC Article covers feeder circuits? 
NEC Article 215 
3 multiple choice options 
The conductors and equipment for delivering electric energy from the serving 
utility to the wiring system of the premises served is a? 
3 multiple choice options 
The overhead conductors between the utili...
Which of the following drive the market for EVs? 
Decreased cost of electrical vehicles & Increased interest in alternative to gas 
power vehicles 
A partial zero emissions vehicle (PZEV) is defined as which of the following? 
A gas-engine vehicle that has zero evaporative from its fuel system 
The ...
Vorschau 2 aus 6 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenWhich of the following drive the market for EVs? 
Decreased cost of electrical vehicles & Increased interest in alternative to gas 
power vehicles 
A partial zero emissions vehicle (PZEV) is defined as which of the following? 
A gas-engine vehicle that has zero evaporative from its fuel system 
The ...
A partial zero emissions vehicle (PZEV) is defined as which of the following? - A 
gas-engined vehicle that has zero evaporative emissions from its fuel system 
The state of charge is the available capacity of the battery, expressed as a 
percentage. - True 
Which of the following is not an alternat...
Vorschau 2 aus 6 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenA partial zero emissions vehicle (PZEV) is defined as which of the following? - A 
gas-engined vehicle that has zero evaporative emissions from its fuel system 
The state of charge is the available capacity of the battery, expressed as a 
percentage. - True 
Which of the following is not an alternat...
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