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Bestseller Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior Zusammenfassungen
Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology (lectures&readings)
- Zusammenfassung • 48 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
- 9,99 €
- 2x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
This document provides ALL the information needed for the course of "Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology". The document starts with a summary of the lectures, followed by a summary of the Van der Molen et al., (2020) readings, and finalising with a summary of the Frick et al., (2020) readings. With this extensive summary, you will save much time and optimal preparation for the exam and classes is ensured.
Clinical skills: Developmental Psychology (lectures)
- Notizen • 8 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
- 4,29 €
- + erfahre mehr
This document provides you with ALL the lectures covered during the course "Clinical skills: Developmental Psychology". They are in-depth, provide the necessary illustrations, and are engaging.
Neueste Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior Zusammenfassungen
Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology (lectures&readings)
- Zusammenfassung • 48 Seiten • 2023 Neu
- 9,99 €
- 2x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
This document provides ALL the information needed for the course of "Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology". The document starts with a summary of the lectures, followed by a summary of the Van der Molen et al., (2020) readings, and finalising with a summary of the Frick et al., (2020) readings. With this extensive summary, you will save much time and optimal preparation for the exam and classes is ensured.
Clinical skills: Developmental Psychology (lectures)
- Notizen • 8 Seiten • 2023 Neu
- 4,29 €
- + erfahre mehr
This document provides you with ALL the lectures covered during the course "Clinical skills: Developmental Psychology". They are in-depth, provide the necessary illustrations, and are engaging.
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