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Neueste Economics for the IB Diploma with CD-ROM Zusammenfassungen
Economics Hl Chapter 1-3 Notes
- Study guide • 101 Seiten • 2018
- 9,99 €
- 8x verkauft
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A 100 page digital summary of Chapter 1 through 3 of the Economics higher level syllabus, also covering Sl topics. This includes all of Micro and Macro as-well as International. The Notes are divided into the different Syllabus points. The notes include diagrams and definitions as-well as evaluation wherever specified by the IB syllabus. In addition there are also sever extra topics that can help a lot with evaluation.
Study guide
Economics Hl Chapter 1-3 Notes
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A 100 page digital summary of Chapter 1 through 3 of the Economics higher level syllabus, also covering Sl topics. This includes all of Micro and Macro as-well as International. The Notes are divided into the different Syllabus points. The notes include diagrams and definitions as-well as evaluation wherever specified by the IB syllabus. In addition there are also sever extra topics that can help a lot with evaluation.
9,99 €
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