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Bestseller McQuail’s Media and Mass Communication Theory Zusammenfassungen
McQuail's Media and Mass Communication Theory
- Zusammenfassung • 25 Seiten • 2022 Beliebt
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 4,19 €
- 18x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
This summary includes the most important parts of chapters 1-4, which are the necessary for the first exam of the minor of Communication Science. It is easy to read and the format is practical to help you find information during the open book exam. This summary helped me get an 8 for my exam.
Neueste McQuail’s Media and Mass Communication Theory Zusammenfassungen
McQuail's Media and Mass Communication Theory
- Zusammenfassung • 25 Seiten • 2022 Neu
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 4,19 €
- 18x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
This summary includes the most important parts of chapters 1-4, which are the necessary for the first exam of the minor of Communication Science. It is easy to read and the format is practical to help you find information during the open book exam. This summary helped me get an 8 for my exam.
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