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Bestseller Réalités et perspectives de la mondialisation Zusammenfassungen
Essay about globalization
- Präsentation • 4 Seiten • 2021 Beliebt
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 5,49 €
- + erfahre mehr
In this essay I answered the following question: Is globalization a zero-sum game or a win-win situation? 
In order to do so, I used ideas and theories defended by Carl Menger, John Keynes and Grunberg, while giving current examples. 
This essay gave me full points!!
Neueste Réalités et perspectives de la mondialisation Zusammenfassungen
Essay about globalization
- Präsentation • 4 Seiten • 2021 Neu
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 5,49 €
- + erfahre mehr
In this essay I answered the following question: Is globalization a zero-sum game or a win-win situation? 
In order to do so, I used ideas and theories defended by Carl Menger, John Keynes and Grunberg, while giving current examples. 
This essay gave me full points!!
Complete presentation (Essay PowerPoint) about globalization
- Paket-deal • 2 Sachen • 2021 Neu
- 7,49 €
- + erfahre mehr
In this presentation I answered the following question: Is globalization a zero-sum game or a win-win situation?
In order to do so, I used ideas and theories defended by Carl Menger, John Keynes and Grunberg, while giving current examples. 
This presentation gave me full points!!

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