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Bestseller Sociology Zusammenfassungen
Introduction to Sociology summary (2nd exam)
- Zusammenfassung • 40 Seiten • 2022 Beliebt
- 7,49 €
- 7x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
Grade 1st exam: 8.4 (I used the same summarizing method for materials of the 2nd exam) 
Introduction to Sociology summary of readings. 
Includes chapter 3, 5, 10, 11, 17 of the book and the required articles of year 2022/2023. 
Bell, M. & Ashwood, L. (2015). Chapter 1: Environmental problems and society. In: An invitation to 
environmental sociology. Sage, pp. 1-38. 
Mears, A. (2015). Working for Free in the VIP: Relational work and the production of consent. 
American ...
Introduction to Sociology summary (1st exam)
- Zusammenfassung • 39 Seiten • 2022 Beliebt
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 7,49 €
- 4x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
Grade 8.4 
Introduction to Sociology summary of readings. 
Includes chapter 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 of the book and the required articles of year 2022/2023. 
Includes tutorial questions (only week 1-4, week 5 was cancelled) 
Connell, R. (2018). Decolonizing sociology. Contemporary Sociology, 47(4), 399-407. 
Desmond, M. & Emirbayer, M. (2009). What is racial domination? Du Bois Review, 6(2), 335-355. 
Friedman, S. & Laurison, D. (2019). Introduction. In: The Class Ceiling. Why it Pays to b...
Summary Chapter 1 of Sociology by Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton
- Zusammenfassung • 6 Seiten • 2024 Beliebt
- 4,99 €
- + erfahre mehr
This summary of the first chapter of Sociology by Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton introduces the foundational concepts of sociology, offering a clear overview of key figures such as Karl Marx, Auguste Comte, Émile Durkheim, and Max Weber, along with their contributions to the discipline. The summary explores important sociological perspectives, including functionalism, conflict theories, and symbolic interactionism, explaining their core ideas and relevance in understanding society. The di...
Schreibst du auch selbst Zusammenfassungen? Dann biete sie zum Verkauf an und verdiene jedes Mal, wenn dein Dokument gekauft wird.
Introduction to Sociology Exam 1 notes
- Notizen • 10 Seiten • 2022 Beliebt
- 4,89 €
- + erfahre mehr
Exam notes that cover the content needed for the UvA introduction to sociology exam 1. It includes a comprehensive glossary with examples for each term and concept mentioned in the required textbook chapters, lectures and tutorials throughout the course. 
These notes helped me achieve an 8.5 in the exam 
The following topics are covered in the exam: 
Week 1 : Sociology & Sociological questions 
Week 2 : Race & Ethnicity 
Week 3 : Stratification & Class 
Week 4 : Gender & Sexuality 
Week 5...
Introduction to Sociology summary (2nd exam)
- Zusammenfassung • 24 Seiten • 2022 Beliebt
- 7,49 €
- + erfahre mehr
This is a summary of the lectures including extra information on the topics discussed during the tutorials. This extra information is integrated in the summary. Thus not separate from the information given in the lectures.
Neueste Sociology Zusammenfassungen
Introduction to Sociology summary (2nd exam)
- Zusammenfassung • 40 Seiten • 2022 Neu
- 7,49 €
- 7x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
Grade 1st exam: 8.4 (I used the same summarizing method for materials of the 2nd exam) 
Introduction to Sociology summary of readings. 
Includes chapter 3, 5, 10, 11, 17 of the book and the required articles of year 2022/2023. 
Bell, M. & Ashwood, L. (2015). Chapter 1: Environmental problems and society. In: An invitation to 
environmental sociology. Sage, pp. 1-38. 
Mears, A. (2015). Working for Free in the VIP: Relational work and the production of consent. 
American ...
Introduction to Sociology summary (1st exam)
- Zusammenfassung • 39 Seiten • 2022 Neu
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 7,49 €
- 4x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
Grade 8.4 
Introduction to Sociology summary of readings. 
Includes chapter 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 of the book and the required articles of year 2022/2023. 
Includes tutorial questions (only week 1-4, week 5 was cancelled) 
Connell, R. (2018). Decolonizing sociology. Contemporary Sociology, 47(4), 399-407. 
Desmond, M. & Emirbayer, M. (2009). What is racial domination? Du Bois Review, 6(2), 335-355. 
Friedman, S. & Laurison, D. (2019). Introduction. In: The Class Ceiling. Why it Pays to b...
Introduction to Sociology summary (2nd exam)
- Zusammenfassung • 24 Seiten • 2022 Neu
- 7,49 €
- + erfahre mehr
This is a summary of the lectures including extra information on the topics discussed during the tutorials. This extra information is integrated in the summary. Thus not separate from the information given in the lectures.
Schreibst du auch selbst Zusammenfassungen? Dann biete sie zum Verkauf an und verdiene jedes Mal, wenn dein Dokument gekauft wird.
Introduction to Sociology Exam 1 notes
- Notizen • 10 Seiten • 2022 Neu
- 4,89 €
- + erfahre mehr
Exam notes that cover the content needed for the UvA introduction to sociology exam 1. It includes a comprehensive glossary with examples for each term and concept mentioned in the required textbook chapters, lectures and tutorials throughout the course. 
These notes helped me achieve an 8.5 in the exam 
The following topics are covered in the exam: 
Week 1 : Sociology & Sociological questions 
Week 2 : Race & Ethnicity 
Week 3 : Stratification & Class 
Week 4 : Gender & Sexuality 
Week 5...
Summary Chapter 1 of Sociology by Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton
- Zusammenfassung • 6 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 4,99 €
- + erfahre mehr
This summary of the first chapter of Sociology by Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton introduces the foundational concepts of sociology, offering a clear overview of key figures such as Karl Marx, Auguste Comte, Émile Durkheim, and Max Weber, along with their contributions to the discipline. The summary explores important sociological perspectives, including functionalism, conflict theories, and symbolic interactionism, explaining their core ideas and relevance in understanding society. The di...
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