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BIOCHEMISTRY C785 all MODULE EXAM 2022/2023 26,72 €   In den Einkaufswagen




13 Sachen

BioChem C785 - WGU - Module 3 - all questions and answers


BioChem C785 - WGU - Module 3 - all questions and answers Hb (hemoglobin) binds to CO (carbon monoxide) with a higher affinity than oxygen and stabilizes the R (relaxed) state Correct answer- True When hemoglobin changes from the T to the R, it has a high affinity for oxygen Correct answer- Tr...

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BIOCHEM C785 Readiness Exam


BIOCHEM C785 Readiness Exam The LEP gene codes for an anorexigenic hormone. Interestingly, breastfeeding has been shown to alter methylation of the promoter of this gene, leading to increased LEP expression. What is likely happening in response to breastfeeding? Correct answer- Breastfeeding ...

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BioChem C785 - WGU - Module 1 - all questions and answers


BioChem C785 - WGU - Module 1 - all questions and answers DNA replication is semiconservative, which allows each of the 2 strands to serve as a template for the new strands Correct answer- true Recall that the DNA polymerase must bind a double-stranded polymer before it can start making its o...

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WGU c785 Final Exam 2022 LATEST


2x verkauft

WGU 785 Final Exam 2022 LATEST Hemophilia Pedigree - Father has hemophilia, mother does not. What is the outcome for their kids? Correct answer- His daughters would be carriers. This is x-link recessive. Autosomal: Dominant: Correct answer- Autosomal: males and females equally affected. Dom...

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WGU BIOCHEM Unit 3 Quiz 2022


WGU BIOCHEM Unit 3 Quiz 2022 1. Which property of enzymes is illustrated in the final step of the enzymatic cycle? a. Enzymes increase the reaction rate for a reaction. b. Enzymes lower the activation energy for a reaction. c. Enzymes are reusable. d. Enzymes are specific. Answer: C. In the ...

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BIOCHEM C785 PREASSESSMENT: BIOCHEMISTRY PJEO 1/38 BIOCHEM C785 PRE-ASSESSMENT: BIOCHEMISTRY PJEO PRE-ASSESSMENT: BIOCHEMISTRY PJEO Attempt #2 Status: Passed 1. Which mRNA sequence results in a polypeptide that contains three amino acids? YOUR ANSWER CORRECT ANSWER 5' - CUU GAU ACU...

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Biochemistry Readiness Check BIOCHEM C785Biochemistry Readiness Check I


Biochemistry Readiness Check BIOCHEM C785Biochemistry Readiness Check I BIOCHEM C785Biochemistry Readiness Check I Biochemistry Readiness Check The 2nd OA Readiness Check is designed to give you additional practice with new assessment-style questions to help prepare for success on the OA. T...

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WGU C785 Biochemistry Final Exam


WGU C785 Biochemistry Final Exam Which of the following enzymes is part of both the TCA cycle and the electron transport chain? ATP synthase (Complex I) NADH oxidoreductatase Cytochrome c Succinate dehydrogenase (Complex II) – Succinate dehydrogenase ATP is used to carry energy within th...

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BIOCHEM C785 UNIT 2 QUIZ 2022/2023


BIOCHEM C785 UNIT 2 QUIZ 2022/2023 Biochemistry – C785 Unit 2 Quiz 1. Which level of protein structure is disrupted through the hydrolysis of peptide bonds? a. Primary 2. A mutation in the beta-hemoglobin gene, which results in the replacement of the amino acid glutamate in position 6 with ...

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BioChem C785 PA UPDATED FILE 2022/2023


BioChem C785 PAUPDATED FILE 2022/2023  PCR o Polymerase Chain Reaction o What do we need for PCR  Target DNA  dNTPs = deoxnucleotides  DNA Primers  TAQ Polymerase = Enzyme “Ase”  Stable at high temperatures o Steps for PCR  1. Denaturation  Sample is heated to...

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Biochemistry C785 Module 1 Quiz 2022/2023


1. One strand of chromosome 2 has a DNA sequence that consists of this: 5'- AAG CGG TAC GTA -3'. What will be the sequence of the complementary DNA strand? a. 5’- TAC GTA CCG CTT -3’ Correct! This is the complementary sequence written in the 5' to 3' direction. 2. A woman is homozygous f...

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BIOCHEMISTRY C785 MODULE 5 EXAM 2022/2023 Which of the following vitamins does not travel through the bloodstream in the form of a lipid micelle? Select one: a. Vitamin C Correct! Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that is not solubilized in lipid micelles. b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin D d. Vita...

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