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Summary History of the USA in the 1900s 9,70 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary History of the USA in the 1900s

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A detailed summary of the history of the USA in the 1900s.

vorschau 3 aus 16   Seiten

  • 4. märz 2021
  • 16
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
  • 200

, Kieron Mansur .

economic boom .

→ AHHH oammntnnethneetGEES
aartkaftthheeeecannammyyr.bg -

on what factors is the economic

referred to as the dynamic growth of the American economy boom based

during the decade after WW1

why did some industries
1926 , American living standards higher than before while others did not

In were ever

American businesses were faster than before due to why did agriculture not share
growing ever


the production methods These became accessible the
new -

goods more
to everyone .

Did all Americans benefit from
the boom
companies profits and confidence


banks lent to Americans and invested it the stock exchange

money .

More homes were supplied with electricity and built higher than ever before ( wealth)
skyscrapers were

I .
Industrial strength

rich in resources

1923 )
growing population ( 123
million by and most lived in towns and cities They

. were
working in

industry and commerce .
These people became an important market for the USA 's new industries .

most companies had need to export outside the USA had all US Itself
they the resources the

no as in .

American have
growing vigorously by the

ever since 1860's and 1870 's ,
industries been .
time of WW1 ,

the led the world of ( massive oil
USA in most areas
industry steal t coat t textile j leading producers )

developing new technology ( motorcars t
telephones t electric lighting)
American agriculture became the most efficient and produced in the world .

2 . WW1

Americans tried to out of the war


money to allies , sold arms and munitions to Britain and France

sold food ,
clothes and many more to Europe
way trade boosted
industry ; America took over Europe 's trade around the


American exports to the areas controlled by European colonial powers increased during the


manufactured explosives during the war , stimulating the
range of products which became

Iii :::'t'tein::i:c improved

during war

.in .

, 3 .

republican policies

believed should interfere with
everyday life of American people
government Not

believed the
government should leave businessmen alone and this is how
prosperity came about;

Hoovers '
rugged individualism !
They admired strong Americans and their ability to solve their problems

own .

made imports more expensive to buy foreign goods



in 1922 ,
introduced the Ford ney Mccumber Torri Fs which made imports much more

the USA
expensive in .


Tarr Ifs helped to protect businesses against foreign firms , helping American firms to
grow faster

→ It #*At $

republicans kept taxation as low as possible
increased disposable income to spend
Wealthy people would reinvest their industries


Trust were huge Corporation that dominated the industry -
democrats thought against
them believed that for
they it was unhealthy monopoly power .

wanted believed the captains
republicans allowed trusts to do whatever they they


of industry knew what was '

good for the USA .

4 new industries ,
new methods .


Throughout the 1420 's ,
new industries and new methods were being developed in the
allowing the country to exploit it 's vast resources of raw material to produce steel ,

chemicals , glass and machinery .

Mass produced became cheap that most Americans were able to afford them

cars so .

The produced increased the demand for steel , and
enormous Increase in cars , glass
rubber , so these industries boomed

by the 1920 's most homes had electricity and nearly 701 of all Americans had electric


lights Factories were increasingly run by electricity

the amount of electricity consumed
in the 1920 'S doubled . This led to boom in
many consumer goods such as
fridges ;
machines ; radios
vacuum cleaners ;
washing .

These could be produced cheaply
new methods meant huge amounts of goods so

more people could afford them .


Things that used to be luxuries were now made cheaper by new inventions and
mass production ( silk stockings )

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