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Summary A-level Politics ideologies revision tenet sheet Socialism class 3,66 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary A-level Politics ideologies revision tenet sheet Socialism class

4 rezensionen
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Socialism class tenant with all the key thinkers views

Letzte Aktualisierung vom Dokument: 3 Jahr vor

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 22. märz 2021
  • 22. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

4  rezensionen


von: chloe98 • 1 Jahr vor


von: ryanchan2003026 • 2 Jahr vor


von: teodoraamarioarei5 • 2 Jahr vor


von: charlottepreece04 • 2 Jahr vor

Socialism: CLASS TENET

Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points
- Socialists think capitalism creates/reinforces harmful class division that result in a societal hierarchy
- Class is shown by the difference between the bourgeoisie (those who own the means of production) and proletariat (those
who must perform labour for their income – the employees)
- The proletariat are controlled through a system of ‘divide and rule’ to prevent them developing class consciousness
- Over time, however, a sense of class consciousness develops, and the workers realise the oppression they face
- Class creates change and socialists focus on supporting the working class

What key thinkers and examples can be used What are the key terms
to support this tenet? What points do they What are the key dichotomies within this tenet?
make? within this tenet?
Revolutionary socialists – Marx/Luxemburg argue Utilitarianism – a
that problems of class will be solved by a revolution • Marx – state is agent of bourgeoisie, doctrine that states that
– capitalists exploit people and profit, difference supports the oppressive class system an action is right if it
between the classes cant be fixed in the capitalist • Communists – state is the means of promotes happiness,
system – inevitable revolution. State wasn’t neutral, maintaining communism, make state and that the. Greatest
it reinforced oppressive relationship with laws, army larger happiness of the
etc. Capitalists alienate proletariat. • Social Democrats – targeted state greatest number of
Democratic socialism e.g. Webb argue nature of people is the most
intervention can narrow class
state could be changed to a socialist state which important principle
distinctions and provide welfare
would have universal nationalisation – equality of Class consciousness -
(redistribute wealth more evenly)
outcome, progressive taxation, welfare state which the moment when the
would narrow class division. e.g. tax the rich to level up society,
proletariat realises that
Social Democrat - Crosland was critical of Webb’s differ from Marx as they don’t want
capitalism is exploited
utilitarianism and nationalisation which to remove state as they think the
them and empowering
compromised freedom. He wanted a fairer state can be used to create equality.
them to begin the
distribution of wealth and equality of opportunity so Want a large state but not as large
that the individual could thrive in a classless society. collective struggle of
as communists want
Crosland argued education reinforced division, he revolution, after which
• Third way – the state should be
created comprehensive schools to ensure equality communism, the
there to deliver some welfare and
and stop grammar school segregation perfect socialist society,
want greater equality but a minimal
Third way – Giddens – deindustrialisation, growing will be established
service industry ect, harder to see the class divisions state, believe capitalism and laissez
as there are more white-collar jobs, decline in trade faire is the best way to create profit

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