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Key Thinker, words, knowledge, dichotomies

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

1  bewertung


von: veerjutte • 2 Jahr vor

Conservatism: TRADITION
Tradition – unaccumulated wisdom of the past which underpins society. Most important tradition is religion as burke
said it was ‘our comfort and one great source of civilisation’ and it binds society together therefore atheism should be
suppressed as its destabilising.
- Rationalistic idea of enlightenment was rise of secular state have weakened Judaeo-Christian religion. Oakeshott said
the decline of religion would cause those who embraced its values to be inclined to follow abstract ideas and be harmful
rationalist thinkers as a replacement of religion
- Humans are too dim to come up with new ideas therefore they stick with tradition
- Religion is key and binds society together
- Fear of revolution due to new ideas and overthrow – they like social order & worry that people need to have faith in

What key thinkers What are the key What are the key terms within
- Burke thought traditions embodied
continuity which advanced
dichotomies within this this tenet? Give definitions in
peacefulness (the ultimate political tenet? your own words.
goal). New right – strong belief of
- Argued society should be governed. By traditional ideas and attitudes –
tradition, custom and habit, not abstract against homosexuality. Secure
thought. Society was partnership constant
between living, dead and born Most forms support tradition – unify
people together and gives society
- Accumulated wisdom is found in long
collective identity e.g. royal
standing institutions like monarchy, unis wedding
and communities and religion and
traditions should guide humans. ‘wisdom
without reflection’. Traditions make ppl
feel belonging, identify, reinforce social
cohesion of society
- Abandoning traditions is dangerous as it
stood test of time. Neo-conservatives are
pro-religion even though they’re
unbelievers due to the social functions it

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