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Summary of 1 pages for the course Unit 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis at PEARSON (POLITICS)

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
Conservatism: PATERNALISM
Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points
paternalism is an approach to running the country in which members of the elite seek to govern in the best
interests of the people
closely associated with the concept of noblesse oblige (i.e. people with status have a responsibility to
others, or, with privilege comes responsibility).
leaders emerge naturally through superior talent
These leaders are not elected to power (like a father figure, they emerge organically and assume authority)
Conservatives believe in an unequal and arranged natural hierarchy – responsibility to help those less
fortunate who cannot act on their own interests
Those in authority (for traditional conservatives this was the aristocracy) have a duty of care

What key thinkers and examples can be used to support this tenet? What What are the key dichotomies within this tenet? Noblesse
points do they make? Hard and soft paternalism. oblige -
Disraeli – 1874 conservative PM - argued for nation Hard – authority is imposed, regardless of
conservatism Influenced by Burke. Introduced social reforms consent e.g. royals. Believed by traditional
obligation to
such as artisans dwelling act – to ensure nobles help the conservatives as humans too intellectually look after
poor. For the first time the state was helping poor. Britain people below
imperfect to know what’s best for them.
was dividing in to two nations – rich and poor = likely for a
social revolution. informal society – noblesse oblige
Soft – more modern conservatives – consent is them – nobles
relationship breaking down as small section of elites weren’t given by those receiving the paternal care. and elites
looking after poorer - increased chance of revolution to Neo conservatives- post-war- paternalistic
overthrow the rich. humans are weak and imperfect, we welfarism - people dependant on state and
need authority figure to lead us and to know our place and societal obligations of traditional conservatism
by revolution, there will be no leader and the people at the forgotten. Neos believe there should be some
bottom cant lead as they weren’t born leaders so would be state role but wants to narrow scale of
corrupt and ineffective leaders. Society would break down assistance.
and have no social order = priority One nation – soft and more consent for
The well off would preserve advantages but alleviate paternalism, consented as its elected, soft
hardships faced by lower order to strengthen lower cohesion
Traditional – hard, monarchy not voted on ,
and stability of nation.
20th century - One nation conservatism added ‘middle way’ enforced
economic approach to social reform in its pursuit of New right – authoritarianism, top down, tough
paternalistic policies. Middle of free market and state law and order, controlled morality, harsh prison

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