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Summary of 1 pages for the course Unit 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis at PEARSON (POLITICS)

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

2  rezensionen


von: hughestomwolf • 4 Monate vor


von: sofiarisino • 3 Jahr vor

Conservatism: ORGANIC P268-9

Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points
- Society emerges and grows, developing like an organism - Everything is interconnected – hierarchy, people
have duties
- Individual rights are dependent upon law and order and only the state has the authority to give induvial rights
a practical meaning
- conservative ideas are grounded in empiricism organic state with customs and tradition is important for
informing present and future
- The traditions, customs and institutions create a sense of belonging, making sure individuals have duties and
obligations to maintain society. the state must evolve if it will flourish therefore Burke's idea of ‘change to
conserve’ influenced all Conservatives in the practicalities of state

What key thinkers and examples can be used to support this tenet? What points What are the key What are the key
do they make? dichotomies within this terms within this
Hobbes belief state precedes society tenet? tenet? Give
John Locke – natural rights and laws are rationalistic conceit as Mid to late 19th century, all definitions in your
individual rights are utterly dependant on ability to maintain them conservative thinkers, own words.
Burke and Hobbes argued ‘pretended rights are all extremes and in starting with one nation Noblesse oblige – the
proportion as they are metaphysically true, they are morally and Conservatives have duty of societies elite,
politically false accepted the concept of the wealth and
Traditional Conservatives (Hobbes, burke, Oak shot) believed the if the privileged, to look
democracy. however society
state provides an order then society will emerge organically and after those less
remains Hierarchical, even
mature into complicated traditions and customs with modern democracy and Change to
Hobbes believed in absolute monarchy over law, economy, Society but the paternalism of Noblesse conserve – society
traditionalism – Burke and Oakeshott - favourite societal ideas which oblige can be found in post should adapt to
have liberal origins in the limited power of the monarch and believed war one nation shifting
in parliamentary sovereignty re I'm representative government conservatism and neo circumstances by
Change to conserve - ancient institutions shouldn't be changed but if conservatism. Society must instigating small
there are defects which harm the workings of the organic society they evolve but any change modifications to
will be removed should be considered for compensate rather
Inaction can damage organic Society - French Revolution will fear of unintended damage than rejecting change
consequences of disorder in Society outright. These
New Rights – opposed to
Hobbes - society ruled by absolute monarch. Burke - aristocracy should compromises will
welfare state as people preserve the essence
lead as their wiser. Oakeshott – Championing of tradition has defended become dependent, reduced of society. If society
established institutions such as House of Lords state role than one nation as

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