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Summary of 1 pages for the course Unit 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis at PEARSON (POLITICS)

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

1  bewertung


von: sofiarisino • 3 Jahr vor

Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points
- Believe the economy should be completely free, opposed to taxation as tax aims to equal out society and conservatives
want a structure which isn’t equal. Taxation is theft as money is earned by working, people should keep their money so rich
stay rich, poor stay poor, keeps social order. Limited state intervention to preserve illiberal idea, to preserve hierarchy.
- Laissez faire economics – stems from liberal Adam smith’s idea
- Growing state and welfare = income tax was compulsory
- Paternalism of noblesse oblige restricts people’s development as it limits choices, and no one learns from mistakes
- Neo liberals challenge traditional conservatives’ hierarchy and state with organic traditions. Society is atomistic and should
be organised as meritocracy.
- Peoples morals and views and strict but economy is liberal
- Focuses on individual not the society. States only role is overseeing rule of law and protecting human rights

What are the
Key thinkers What are the key dichotomies key terms within
- Laissez faire economics – stems from liberal Adam smith’s
idea, supported by burke
within this tenet? this tenet?
- New Right – its own Atomism – a.
- Disraeli would not support this as would lead to chaos and he
dichtomie- Neo-liberals - Neo society that
wants social order
liberals – atomistic society – exists as a loose
- Neo liberals – Rand and Nozick dislike empiricism unlike
self-interested and sufficient collection of
Burke and Oakeshott. Nozick and Rand called for rolling back
- Neo liberals has created self-interested
of state and atomism. Argue for radical deregulation and
libertarianism in conservatives and self-
privatisation of services. State growth is gravest threat to
- Believe in egotistical sufficient
individual freedom.
individualism. Where individual individuals
- Rand – individuals are rational and purpose is to achieve
need is above state Radical – belief
happiness. Atomistic society and rejected human
- Neo liberals challenge in ideas that
imperfection. Purpose of society is to protect human rights.
traditional conservatives’ favour drastic
Should not be taxed for welfare spending. Should maintain
hierarchy and state with political,
lives through own efforts. Negative freedom and free market
organic traditions. Society is economic and
economy. Supported LGBT and abortion
atomistic and should be social change
- Still some state to maintain free market and freedom
- Nozick – governments with minimal interference in individuals organised as meritocracy
lives make best society. States primary function is to protect - Allows individuals to interact or
human rights. Will allow communities to practise their own ignore
moral codes rather than political/religions views being - Oppose to tax and tax

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