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Summary of 1 pages for the course Unit 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis at PEARSON (POLITICS)

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

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von: veerjutte • 1 Jahr vor

Liberalism: STATE TENET
Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points – a state is a necessary evil; however, they have views on its
size, role and limits. classical liberalism sets out parameters by arguing for a minimal state with lasses-fasire attitude however is was altered
by modern liberals to an enabling state.

What key thinkers and What are the key dichotomies within this tenet? Match these too What are the key terms within this
examples can be used to key thinkers and ensure you can explain why the dichotomy exists. tenet? Give definitions in your own
support this tenet? What Classical Liberalism – that state must protect ‘life, liberty and estate’, must words.
points do they make? intervene to uphold rule of law and protect society from foreign invasion. police minimal state – free society with a
Locke – He disagreed with force, army, laws and a judiciary are required to intervene. strongly controlled state with minimal
By limiting power – power should be distributed between different branches of the breadth of functions. prevents interference
divine right of kings as he
government. (Montesquieu) (legislative, executive and judiciary) state should be with individuals’ liberties
believed it was an irrational based on principle ‘government by consent’ (constitutional agreements)
interpretation of Gods will. he By limiting jurisdiction – individuals should be protected by law from actions that
Enabling state – doesn’t provide for people
said the government should be the might harm their individual liberty. the state should operate under rule of law directly but creates conditions where people
servant, not the master of the whereby all citizens would enjoy foundational equality. can help themselves.
people. it should be organised in By limiting the electorate – favoured a representative democracy over a Equality of opportunity – modern liberals
rational ways rather than popular/direct democracy(could lead to tyranny of the majority). he believed only argue for all citizens to have access to
traditional. it should also be based those with an appropriate formal education should be allowed to vote and. education and for society to be truly
on the principle of the limited meritocratic.
Modern Liberalism – J.S. MILL Adapted his view so that state intervention to
government. assist the poor who were experiencing injustice in society was accessible.
Keynesianism – a system of economic
J.S. MILL -> T.H. GREEN continued to interpret the state, so it had a larger role in both society management where the state directly
T.H. GREEM-> and the economy. intervenes to stimulate the economy to
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES-> -State should promote equality of opportunity through education and should reduce achieve full employment and economic
RAWLES-> the influence of inherited privilege. growth.
FRIEDAN-> -He organised welfare to help those unable to prevent deprivation (unemployed, (The general theory of employment, interest
sick and elderly.) and money)
-JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES argued the state was capable of managing the
economy to secure full employment. he felt ass employment negated individual
-RAWLS argued the state should be more involved in reducing inequality and
preventing social injustice.
- FRIEDAN argued the state was the structure which would guarantee societal
and economic equality of opportunity for women.

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