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Summary of 1 pages for the course Unit 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis at PEARSON (POLITICS)

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points

- Believe that rationalism enabled individuals to both define their own best interests and make their own moral choices free from
external authorities such as state and the church.
- Liberals have far more confidence that conservatives in their intellectual ability to contract theories to create a progressive society
- Enlightenment was an intellectual movement of the 18th century inspired by newton and Kant. They had a positive view of human
nature concerning rationality as humans are capable of reason and logic. Locke ‘reason must be our last judge and guide in

What key thinkers and examples can be used to support What are the dichotomies? What are the key terms
this tenet? What points do they make?
Green argued with positive freedom which urged state Classical liberalism – Locke’s ideas within this tenet? Give
intervention to assist individual freedom and was key to where a more elective system is supported definitions in your own
rationalistic updating of classical liberalism which informed the and we can make a sensible choice. Adam
ideas of a state sponsored welfare state whereas mills idea such smith said the state functions best with. words.
as universal education anticipated by greens positive freedom Laissez faire. Mills concept of negative
arguing the state must be enabling and facilitating developmental freedom is influential and determining
individualism however modern liberals agree with classical parameters of state intervention and
liberals on the desirability of a free market economy. atomistic nature of society.
Adam smith - Argued capitalisms functions best when the state Modern. – Greens idea urged state
takes laissez faire approach. These ideas resonate with trumps intervention to assist freedom was key
administrations tariffs and protected markets being criticized change from classical. Mill said universal
because. education was key so state was enabling.
Locke’s ideas of constitutional and representative government And facilitated developmental
proved influential to England’s revolution in 1688 and the UK bill individualism but classicals do agree in
of rights. It shows he wanted a more elective system so the state free market economy. Rawls ideas. of
has power and monarch had none. We can make sensible choice equality and social justice is example of
about democratic government as we are rational rather it being abstract rational thought.
forced on us Keynesian economics although differing
entirely from laissez faire economics, was
equally rationalistic in its conception

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