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vorschau 2 aus 13   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 13
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

1  bewertung


von: veerjutte • 2 Jahr vor


, The roots are the core tenets and principles. Can all slightly differ on the extent
of these roots and these are the branches of the ideology.
You’re are free until your freedom restricts someone else’s freedom
When did it emerge?
The enlightenment – 18th century, American revolution and anti-monarchical,
intellectual and rational, questioning and challenging the power structure,
challenging of traditional hierarchy.
They don’t want a controlling government. They want a democracy and electoral
Core tenets:
 Individualism
 Freedom
 Minimal State
 Rationalism
 Equality and social justice
 Liberal democracy

o They believe individuals are rational, self-seeking and capable
o 2 types of corruption when self-seeker has power – they could become
corrupt and exploitive or it then corrupts the people without power
because they become dependent and are exploited
‘All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ Lord
Individualism – all must be rational and take care of themselves and should
be left to do so, they're capable so they should be allowed to make choices -
diversity – choices need to be tolerated and accepted by all, all individuals
must be of equal worth to avoid exploitation
Liberals still believe in laws, so it stops the abuse of freedom as everyone is
equal under the same laws
Benefits of laws – people don’t stop others having freedom and the laws
protects the rights of individuals to be individuals, therefore prevents chaos
and exploitation.

The Dichotomies
 It’s a split within a single ideology but they have the same basic values
and roots
 Two main branches – classical and modern liberalism
Classical liberals- believe in government by consent, individual freedom,
democracy, limit state involvement in society and the economy and the idea that
individuals are born with foundational equality such as the basic rights e.g.
happiness, no pain and liberty

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