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Summary of 1 pages for the course Unit 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis at PEARSON (POLITICS)

vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points –

- Initially focused on foundational equality and rule of law, such as US bill of rights and UKs human rights acts which legally protect human rights
- Discussing what constitutes foundational equality is hard e.g. gender and racial inequality, modern liberals support full foundational equality
- All liberals believe in right to life and equality but modern will give help to people

What key thinkers and examples can be used to support this tenet? What points do they make? What are the key dichotomies What are the key terms within this tenet?
- Wollstonecraft argues women were denied equality in terms of property ownership. within this tenet? Match these Give definitions in your own words.
two key thinkers and ensure
And political representation. Argued women were. Discriminated in the workplace Foundational equality- All liberals are born
you can explain why the
and denied access to profession.
dichotomy exists. equal and are entitled to natural rights. All
- Wollstonecraft (18th C) – argued that men and women were equally rational Modern – stand associate individuals should be treated equally under the
and campaigned for women to have greater employment and property with. Full foundational law.
ownership rights, as well as education for women. Formal equality-A broad concept, similar to
equality which is
Friedan (nearly two centuries later) argued for legal and economic parity as foundational equality, which advocates equality
All liberals are born equal
under the law and states that every individual
well as the liberation of women from the social expectation that they remain at and are entitled to natural
should be treated equally. It proposes getting rid
home rights. All individuals
of artificial distinctions i.e. gender inequality
Martin Luther king and civil rights demonstrated judicial interpretations of us should be treated equally
Equality of opportunity -Supported by modern
constitution failing to acknowledge all faces equally which was. Changed by 1964 under the law.
liberals. Accepts that inequality is inevitable in
civil rights act Wollstonecraft and Friedan
society but seeks to ensure that liberals all have a
Rawls, veil of ignorance- posited that individuals were asked to choose what type level playing field at outset e.g. equal access to
Classical – discussing education
of society an individual would prefer and were ignorant of their own
constitutes. Foundational Meritocracy - A way of describing a society
circumstances, they would chose little inequality
equality has been where those who have worked hardest rise to the
- Key idea was justice and fairness, believed people would want an enabling state if problematic and ignored
they were ignorant top/are rewarded. So, you progress through effort
race and. Gender inequality not advantage.
- Enabling state would provide welfare state and his idea implies that classical liberals - Mill, Locke Veil of ignorance – If Individuals were asked to
would choose an interventionary state to guarantee equality of opportunity rather than choose what type of society they prefer, And
a limited state that didn’t
were ignorant of their own circumstances, they
- He supported idea of foundational equality and added the need for social and would choose a society with little inequality
economic equality. Argued that society must provide equal equality of opportunity
and this can only happen if state took a larger role in society, funded by progressive

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