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vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
Liberalism: INDIVIDUALISM P245-246


Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points

 Individuals must help themselves improve, classical think the state should interfere as little as possible whereas the modern liberals think the state, by intervening can
assist an individual’s development.
 Locke believed in foundational equality - that man’s natural state was one of freedom and in particular freedom from unnecessary external interference from the state
 Society isn’t equal as some have a distinct advantage and the fact induvial are autonomous is overstated.
 Societal position is key in determining whether someone has over or under achieved and some individuals can have innate advantages or disadvantages that play a
sizable role in fate

What key thinkers and What are the key dichotomies within this tenet? Foundational equality- a fundamental.
examples can be used to Classical liberals’ attitude: Liberal belief everyone is born with
support this tenet? What points Individuals primary motivation is egotistical, maximising own utility so they can thrive by natural rights entitling them to liberty,
do they make? their own choice. Freedom is satosanct, our society should be atomistic, a collection of happiness, no pain, translates to rule of
law where everyone is treated equally
autonomous individuals. The state should be small and limited to law and order, protecting
 Locke and JS Mill under law
individuals from invasion so it doesn’t infringe on individual freedom and respects formal
perceived individuals Egotistical individualism- freedom is
equality aka negative freedom.
as capable of associated with a rational sense of self-
intellectually informed
Influenced American revolution that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the American reliance and self interest
ideas but as self- declaration of independence and these are human rights the states must uphold Developmental individualism-
interested and Modern liberalisation – individuals must help themselves
mutually exclusive TH Green was an early advocate and argued for positive freedom where state practices form improve, classical think state should
 John Rawls argued of developmental individualism to help. Make society fair. Mainly agree w classical on self- interfere little, modern think state can
about whether societal reliance but argue state should offer a hand up if everyone is to achieve this goal. assist in development
position and particular Life liberty and pursuit of happiness is a human right but classical argue for a minimal state Formal equality – equality under law
circumstance to ensure values but modern believe interventionist state can guarantee such freedoms but also everyone is intitled to equal
determine amount of Influence of modern liberalisms ideas of development idealism can be seen in expansion of treatment in society and equal
achievement state involvement and welfare provision in western democracy after ww2. opportunity and abolition of artificial
social distinction such as gender

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