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Summary CONSERVATISM HUMAN IMPERFECTION 3,66 €   In den Einkaufswagen



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vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

2  rezensionen


von: veerjutte • 1 Jahr vor


von: lisaharrison • 2 Jahr vor

Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points: humans are
imperfect and ruthlessly self-interested. Traditional conservatism views human imperfection in three categories –
Morally imperfect – humans are selfish creatures motivated by base impulses.
Psychologically imperfect – humans are driven by security and socially dependant(hierarchy). Rely on culture and
tradition for an identity. Social order over individual freedom.
Intellectually imperfect – reality is beyond rational understanding. Abstract ideas or theories will always be
flawed. Pragmatic over dogmatic
What key thinkers and Key dichotomies: Key terms:
examples: Traditional e.g. Hobbes – Authority the power or right
to give orders, make decisions,
Hobbes humans are imperfect and and enforce obedience.
- Imperfection cannot be avoided. destructive State of nature a violent
Humans are in a ‘state of nature.’
and fearful place where humans
(violent and fearful place to pursue
selfish desires before a state and
One nature e.g. Burke – are in never-ending conflict as
they pursue selfish desires.
laws) humans desire power and disagrees on extent of Hierarchy a system in which
material gratification. Authority imperfection – can members of an organization or
needed cooperate society are ranked according to
relative status or authority.
- Humans not wholly irrational, Oakeshott – similar to burke
recognise state of nature as hell on Dogmatic inclined to lay
down principles as undeniably
earth. Would seek a social contract, Some disagreement over the true and commit to it
surrender individual autonomy to a extent of the imperfection of completely. We can’t get a
sovereign monarch who would individuals completely correct ideology as
provide over his authority. Humans we are stupid.
could then live collectively without Neo liberal branch of new Pragmatic dealing with
fear. right believe humans are self- things sensibly and realistically
Burke in a way that is based on
sufficient in terms of the
practical rather than theoretical
- Organic society not static and must economy rather than humans considerations.
change to conserve itself. Guided by being stupid Empiricism the idea that
history, pragmaticism and knowledge and evidence come
empiricism. from real experience and not
abstract theories.

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