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vorschau 1 aus 1   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 1
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
Summarise the core beliefs (and the reasons for them) in 3-5 bullet points
- Positive view of human nature – humans share common humanity, rational, inclined to cooperate
- Human nature isn’t fixed but is shaped easily by environment
- Society is a collection of broadly equal individuals who share common purposes and collective identity
- Find pleasure and fulfilment in cooperative work and collectivism instead of competition and individualism
- Belief of fraternity and community
- Socialists united in concern of effects of unchecked capitalism on individuals and so socialists have
interventionalist role of state
- Revolutionary socialism and Democratic socialism or hostile to capitalism while social democracy and the
third way argue that capitalism can be harnessed for good
- Feeling of community, don’t want to compete with eachother
What key thinkers
and examples can be
What are the key dichotomies within this What are the key terms within this
tenet? Give definitions in your own
used to support this tenet? Match these to key thinkers and ensure you can words.
tenet? What points do explain why the dichotomy exists. Cooperation - individuals working
they make? Revolutionary socialism – Marx and Engels argued individuals collectively to achieve mutual benefit with
were deformed by capitalism as money corrupts. capitalism should the fraternal belief that humans work best
Revolutionary be abolished by revolution instigated by the working class. a when working together
socialism – classless communist society would emerge based on equality were Fraternity - humans regarding each other
all social and economic activities would be collective. Society as siblings rather than individuals.
Marx and Engels could enjoy common humanity. Relationships are not based on competition
Democratic Democratic socialism – Webb argued for a socialist state via the or hostility but on generosity and solidarity
socialism – ballot box. would include common ownership by the means of Common ownership - common
Webb production which is achieved by an extensive state nationalisation ownership is the opposite of private
run by socialist bureaucratic elite ownership that exists with the free market
Social Social democracy - Argues capitalism should be reformed and capitalist economy. Common ownership
democracy - not replaced which is a significant break with Democratic means that the state and the public have
Crosland socialism. Crosland had a vision of: supporting a mixed economy, the ownership of property and economy
The third war - economic state intervention with Keynesian economics to ensure Mixed economy - an economic system
permanent full employment and economic growth, the welfare that combines private and state enterprise
Giddens state would redistribute wealth and challenge poverty and social Keynesian economics - economist John
inequality Maynard Keynes argued that governments
The third war - 1990s Giddens argue that developed economies should stimulate economic demand in
face challenges of 21st century. argued for increased emphasis on times of recession via state spending.
equality of opportunity via public services such as education, Government should also state manage the
neoliberal ideas such as free market and self reliance, moving

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