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vorschau 1 aus 3   Seiten

  • 29. märz 2021
  • 3
  • 2020/2021
  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • A+

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von: veerjutte • 1 Jahr vor

To what extent is Modern Liberalism a departure from liberal

Classical liberals’ values and ideas stem from the Enlightenment. This was when they
rejected the traditional monarchic society for a meritocratic and tolerant society. As an
ideology, classical liberals believe in negative freedom, lassaiz faire economy and minimal
state. This idea was challenged by the modernising world regarding industrialization an
inequality created from war. This increased class differences and reduce individual Liberty
and development for the working class, which introduced modern liberalism. This
somewhat departs from the original classical ideas as advocates positive freedom, a
managed economy and a cradle to grave welfare. Although their ideas differ, their core
belief of human nature a limited government, is the same, suggesting the departure isn't as
dramatic as it first may appear.

In regard to the size and role of the state, modern liberals could be considered a departure
from liberal principles due to the fact they disagree with classical ideas that the state should
be minimal. Modern liberals believe in an enabling state, this is in order to provide an
equality of opportunity, where they acknowledge society isn’t fair, therefore they aim to
provide social justice through provision of welfare such as facilitating education and free
healthcare known as cradle to grave welfare. This enables individuals to reach their
potential and access opportunities, supporting developmental individualism. This is
supported by J.S Mill, believing the state should provide access to basic welfare in order for
the individual to flourish in society, therefore proving positive freedom is beneficial to
society. Classical liberals, however, believe in a minimal state, where individuals are left to
themselves with no state intervention through negative freedom, removing any
interference. This is due to their fear that state intervention will take decision making out of
the hands of the individual and reduce self-reliance. This is because they believe individuals
are capable and self-seeking therefore, they do not need any encroachments in their life.
Classical liberals believe the state would have too much power and could become
oppressive, corrupting individuals as well as the people in power and should only be there
to protect humans’ basic rights. This is supported by John Locke, who states the government
should have a limited role in society. In this way, modern liberalism does depart from
classical as they both believe in different levels of state intervention, meaning their ideas of
society are very different, although both do believe the state should be there in order to
protect human rights and to prevent one induvial from having too much power such as a
monarch showing their core belief remains the same.

Both modern and classical have different views on the level of management of the economy
including taxation. Modern could be seen as a departure as classical liberals argue that the
economy should be laissez faire. The economy should be entirely unregulated with no state
intervention which maximises individual freedom and promoting self reliance. This is also
because classicals don’t want any one group in society to have much power in its control,
therefore allowing individuals to fulfil the principle of freedom. This is supported by Adam
smith, who supports the classical idea that the economy should be self-regulating. In
contrast, modern liberals advocate a Keynesian economy. Which involves elements. Of the
government interfering in the economy in order to provide greater social justice. This is also
to prevent economic downturns which could lead to unemployment and poverty. This is a

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