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Summary Chapter 5 Cognitive Psychology, ISBN: 9781473734524 PYC3703 - Cognition: Thinking, Memory And Problem Solving (PYC3703) 2,67 €
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Summary Chapter 5 Cognitive Psychology, ISBN: 9781473734524 PYC3703 - Cognition: Thinking, Memory And Problem Solving (PYC3703)

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Concise summary including key terms and explanations.

vorschau 2 aus 9   Seiten

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  • Chapter 5
  • 21. september 2021
  • 9
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung

Key Terms Explanation Pg

Articulatory rehearsal Responsible for the rehearsal that can keep items in
process the phonological store from decaying
Articulatory Reduces memory because speaking interferes with
suppression rehearsal
Pulls information from the long-term memory and
coordinates the activity of the phonological loop and
Central executive visuospatial sketch pad by focusing on specific parts 139
of a task and deciding how to divide attention
between different tasks
Procedure that uses visual items that cannot be
Change detection 134
Enables the limited-capacity STM system deal with
the large amount of information involved in many of
Chunking 133
the tasks we perform everyday
For example, chunking letters into words
Dynamic processes associated with the structural
Control processes features that can be regulated by the person and 125
may differ from one task to another
Decay 131

Delayed partial report

Digit span The number of digits a person can remember 132

Persistence of sound, lasts for a few seconds after
Echoic memory 130
presentation of the original stimulus
Embedded processes

Episodic buffer Can store information and is connected to LTM 149

potential (ERP)

Iconic memory Brief sensory memory for visual stimuli 129
The process involved in retaining, retrieving and
using information about stimuli, images, events,
Memory 123
ideas and skills after the original information is no
longer present

, Rotating an image of one of the objects in their mind
Mental rotation 143
in order to solve a problem
Modal model of Proposed 3 types of memory: sensory, short-term
memory and long-term

Operation span 140

Partial report method 129

Repeatedly performing the same action or thought
Perseveration 145
even if it is not achieving the desired goal
The continued perception of a visual stimulus even
Persistence of vision 127
after it is no longer present

Phonological loop Holds verbal and auditory information 138

Phonological Refers to the confusion of letters/words that sound
similarity effect similar
Limited capacity and holds information for only a few
Phonological store 138
Interference that occurs when information that was
learned previously interferes with learning new 131
Reading span 139

Rehearsal Repeating a stimulus over and over 125

Retroactive Occurs when new learning interferes with
interference remembering old learning

Sensory memory 127
The system involved in storing small amounts of
Short-term memory
information for a somewhat longer but still brief 130
period of time
Structural features The 3 types of memory 125

The creation of visual images in the mind in the
Visual imagery 142
absence of a physical visual stimulus
Visuospatial sketch
Holds visual and spatial information 138

Whole report method Participants asks to report as much as possible 128

Refers to the observation that our memory for lists of
Word length effect 140
words is better for short words than long words
A limited capacity system for temporary storage and
Working memory manipulation of information for complex tasks such 137
as comprehension, learning and reasoning

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