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Beknopte samenvatting hoorcolleges Management Accounting (Bedrijfseconomie) 4,99 €
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Beknopte samenvatting hoorcolleges Management Accounting (Bedrijfseconomie)

 7 mal verkauft
  • Kurs
  • Hochschule

Deze samenvatting van Management Accounting bevat alle hoorcolleges (tentamenstof) behandeld in het semester van . Er is gewerkt met afbeeldingen, kleuren en tabellen om zoveel mogelijk structuur te creëren. De samenvatting is voornamelijk in het Engels geschreven, met af en toe wat Nederlands ter...

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  • 3. januar 2022
  • 18
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
2020-2021 Marlie Snoeijen

Management accounting samenvatting
Hoorcollege 1

Management accounting: measures/reports financial and non-financial information and
helps/motivates managers to make good decisions to fulfill the goals of the organization.
→ value-adding continuous improvement process
Financial accounting: external reporting that is directed by authoritative guidelines.

Cost accounting: measures/reports financial and non-financial data that related to the cost of
acquiring/consuming resources by an organization.
→ part of management accounting

Rollen management/cost accounting
Decision facilitating (Cost accounting) Decision influencing (Management control)
Management accounting ondersteunt het Guide people towards creating value for firm.
maken van beslissingen. 1. Motivating employees
Geeft met reports inzicht into business 2. Coordinating among departments (functional
performance. budgeting)
3. Controlling performance (budgetary control,
(Cost accounting, make/buy, break-even, standard costing)
budget reports, balanced scorecards) Principal-agent problem:
• Moral hazard (erna): bonussen, targets
om managers te motiveren
• Adverse selection (van tevoren):
screening, interviewing

Balanced scorecard: translates an organization’s mission and strategy
into a comprehensive set of performance measure that provides the
framework for implementing its strategy.

Strategic management accounting: meer
→ Kijk niet puur naar opbrengsten/kosten (financieel), maar ook naar
strategie (niet-financieel)!
Naast kosten kijk je óók naar:


, 2020-2021 Marlie Snoeijen

• Markt trends
• Predictors for financial results (KPI’s)
• Balanced scorecard (dus ook non-financial)
• Risk management
• Lange termijn perspectief

Hoorcollege 2

Kosten: resource sacrificed to achieve a given objective

Responsibility accounting: afhankelijk van je business unit/department heb je minder/meer
verantwoordelijkheden t.a.v. kosten en opbrengsten
.. bij decentralized organization structure (verschillende departementen)

Verschillende typen responsibility centers: Verantwoordelijk voor...
Cost center Costs
→ bij onderhoud/ondersteunende diensten
(schoonmaken, IT)
Revenue center Revenues
→ verkoop, marketing
Profit center Costs + revenues
→ ‘middenweg’
Investment center Cost , revenues, investments
→ headquarters
De keuze van responsibility centers is gebaseerd op het controllability principle: keep
managers/employees accountable for the items they can control

Cost object: ‘thing’ for which cost information is needed (heel breed)
• Product/product line, department, project, service, process, customers

Directe kosten Indirecte kosten
Cost tracing to cost object Cost allocation to cost object
• Related to particular object • Tracing economically not feasible/too
• Tracing economically feasible/not too costly
costly • Allocation based on criteria determined
(labour, material) by company
Er is een cost driver nodig om te allocaten:
factor that causally affects total costs over a
given time span.
→ #labour hours, #units, etc
!Of kosten direct/indirect zijn hangt af van het cost object!
(wage prod. manager direct if cost object is prod. department, but indirect if cost object is product)


, 2020-2021 Marlie Snoeijen

Variable costs Fixed costs
Afhankelijk van de output. Onafhankelijk van de output (Huur)
(variëren proportioneel met output)
• Time span: vaste kosten kunnen variabel worden op lange termijn
• Relevant range: variabel in bepaalde range, maar extra vaste kosten als range is exceeded
De unit/average kost daalt als de output toeneemt (lagere vaste kosten p.p.)
→ Let op! Zijn gemiddeldes, interpret with caution

Product cost Period cost
Manufacturing costs Alle kosten op w&v behalve ‘cost of goods
• Direct material sold’
• Direct labor • Selling expenses
• Manufacturing overhead (indirect • Administrative expenses
labour/material/other costs)
→ Cost of goods sold
→ Inventoriable

Cost estimation approaches
1. Industrial engineering/work-measurement • Stap voor stap monitoren en measuring
method of inputs
• ..time-consuming, often not feasible
2. Conference method • Estimation on basis of experts
• .. quick but highly dependent on
experts’ input
3. Account analysis method • Classification in variable/fixed/mixed
cost drivers
• … theory driven, but can be subjective
• Widely used in practice
4. Quantitative analysis • Data-driven classification (regressie,


𝐵𝑖𝑗𝑏𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒 𝑌 − 𝐵𝑖𝑗𝑏𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒 𝑌
𝐻𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑋 − 𝑙𝑎𝑎𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑋
a = fixed costs

b = variable costs

Y = total cost

• Depends only on 2 points
• All costs dependent on one cost driver (use most crucial one)

Regression method: more accurate/powerful, houdt rekening met alle punten (statistisch


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