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Summary Criminology Unit 1: AC 3.1- 3.3 write up model answer 6,09 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Criminology Unit 1: AC 3.1- 3.3 write up model answer

29 rezensionen
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These are my answers that I used to achieve a near perfect 98/100 marks on the Year 12 Unit 1 Criminology controlled assessment. Of course, I changed it as needed during the exam, but these were the backbones of my answers. This resource covers AC 3.1 - 3.3, as they all cover creating a campaign fo...

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vorschau 2 aus 7   Seiten

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  • Ac 3.1 to ac 3.3
  • 6. mai 2022
  • 7
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung

29  rezensionen


von: abdullahiahmed1 • 1 Monat vor


von: rin4 • 1 Monat vor

hiya thanks for taking the time to leave another review! best of luck with unit 1 !!! :)


von: hayadali • 5 Monate vor


von: rin4 • 4 Monate vor

it's great that these documents helped you out - best of luck with unit one if you have any questions feel free to let me know :)


von: yunusnabi001 • 5 Monate vor


von: joshuaharding008 • 6 Monate vor


von: rin4 • 6 Monate vor

hi there thanks for taking the time to leave a review! I'm so glad these documents helped you out and best of luck for unit one! if you have any questions feel free to ask!!! :))


von: dannymiles • 6 Monate vor


von: rin4 • 6 Monate vor

hiya! thanks for leaving a review i'm so glad these documents helped you out :) good luck with unit one and let me know if you have any questions :))!!


von: haadiali302 • 6 Monate vor


von: rin4 • 6 Monate vor

yay so glad these documents helped you out!! hope your unit one went well if you've already done it, if you haven't, i'm sure you'll do amazing!! <3


von: hanaosman1000 • 6 Monate vor


von: rin4 • 6 Monate vor

hiya :) thanks for your review, you've probably done your unit one assessment by now but i'm sure you did amazing :)!!

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AC 3.1 – Plan a Campaign for Change

My campaign for change is related to screen addictions, because it is extremely understood and
under-diagnosed. It is commonly becoming a more serious and common issue which I decided to
base my campaign on because despite screen usage rising 1000% in the last 20 years, only 1.5-8%
have been diagnosed with a screen addiction (Source: Office of National Statistics). My main aim of
my campaign is to raise awareness of this issue, and to encourage people to seek support for this if
they need to. In order to achieve these aims, my short-term goals follow the SMART technique. My
first objective is to set up a Twitter account about screen addictions and attain at least 100 retweets
by sharing information, support and stories of how it has affected people. This objective will help me
with my aim of highlighting support channels and advice for victims. My second is to educate people
on screen addictions by creating and distributing 200 posters in a range of schools and the town
centre where they are most likely to be seen. These posters would share advice and information to
not only those most vulnerable, but everyone. My third objective is to sell merchandise, the profits
from which will be invested further into the campaign. I will design and sell phone cases, badges and
t-shirts which will have facts and catchy slogans on them to share the campaign and to encourage
others to look into or seek advice about screen addictions.

My target audience are people aged 16-25, as this age range includes the majority of those who
suffer from a screen addiction. 40% of 18–22-year-olds admit to being ‘somewhat’ addicted to social
media as well as 37% of 23–38-year-olds. I have made my aims and objectives to specifically target
this age range, because by educating young people on screen addictions, it could prevent more cases
from occurring in the future. Alternatively, it could prevent people from suffering further by making
them seek help if they think they have a screen addiction by outlining to victims early on that there
are many support channels available to help them.

My first method will be the use of social media. Social media is a key method for reaching a wide
range of people – particularly those in my target audience, as many this age use social media. I will
create a Twitter account to give advice to victims, by sharing support channels and stories of those
who have been affected. However, this does have its drawbacks as not everyone is on social media,
particularly those who don’t have phones or access to the internet. Additionally, since it is a
campaign to fight screen addictions, it is counterintuitive to use screens in the campaigning. Social
media should be a largely successful method, and I will use it to achieve my objective of starting a
Twitter account sharing information and support, and will gain at least 100 retweets. I will tweet
advice about the assistance available for those suffering with screen addictions and mention any
existing helplines or websites which they might find useful.
My second method will be the use of posters, which I can distribute across colleges, universities and
places my target audience are sure to see them. They will encourage people to seek help should
they need to and will raise awareness about the lack of knowledge surrounding screen addictions. If I
was to create leaflets instead, it would take much longer to read due to having lots more
information, which would likely be ignored by whoever saw it. This would limit awareness
dramatically if I chose a leaflet as one of my methods. I will use a poster to encourage people to
learn about or seek help for screen addictions.
My last method will be merchandise, of which I will create a t-shirt, badge and phone case. I have
chosen a badge because a catchy slogan can be put on it which will make my campaign memorable.
Badges are affordable to produce and purchase which wouldn’t limit the range of people who could
afford to buy my merchandise. T-shirts would also be effective, as the campaign message would be
spread when worn in everyday life, therefore raising awareness for my campaign and its cause.

, Finally, a phone case will incorporate both, using a memorable slogan and the message being spread
In everyday life. The phone cases will also link directly to screen addictions due to being used on
phones, keeping its users and those who see it aware of their own screen usage.
For my first method of social media, I will only need the internet and a computer or phone to create
my Twitter account. For my second method of posters, I will need to use Microsoft Publisher to
create the design and a manufacturer to produce them. For my third method of merchandise, I will
need to use a website and manufacturer in order to create and produce my badges, t-shirts and
phone cases. Depending on the prices the websites charge for creation and production, I may be
required to use a number of different websites.

I am going to conduct research into how my campaign will be financed by researching how much it
would cost to produce all of my campaign materials.
Firstly, to produce 30 phone cases, it would cost £400 from vistaprint.co.uk. However, it is not
possible to purchase 30 cases, meaning the true price is £400 for 25 phone cases. From printful.com,
it would only cost £177. To produce 50 badges, it would cost £47.50 from badgeboy.co.uk, whereas
it would cost just £39.47 from camaloon.com. 100 t-shirts would cost £1849 from shirtinator.co.uk,
but cost only £368.39 from helloprint.co.uk. Due to the dramatic price difference, I will also use
helloprint.co.uk to produce 200 posters, costing £32.99. Creating a social media page would be free.
I chose these websites to create and produce my campaign materials due to them being the most
affordable proces I could find without sacrificing quality. I decided to create 200 posters, 100 t-shirts,
30 phone cases and 50 badges as this is an ideal amount to distribute in order to gauge public
reaction to my campaign without spending too much money. In total, my campaign materials will
cost £617 (£368.39 + £32.99 + £39.47 + £177 = £617) to create and produce.
I would sell each individual badge £1, which ensures it is affordable for a wide range of people, but
also makes a profit. I would sell a t-shirt for £10, which I think is very reasonable for a good quality t-
shirt. I would sell a phone case for £9, which is reasonable and makes a profit. By selling my
merchandise for this price, I will make a profit of £736.14. Due to spending £32.99 on posters and
not selling these, the profit from my merchandise means I will make a total profit of £118.29 (£11.53
+ £631.61 + £93 = £736.14. £736.14 - £617.85 = £118.29).
With the profit collected from my materials, I would use it to invest back into the campaign –
whether this involves producing more materials, paying back a business that supported me
financially or donating to support networks.


- Stage 1:
- Stage 2:
- etc

The first stage of my campaign will be research. I will research screen addictions, how they develop
and affect those addicted. I will research statistics concerning screen addictions, existing support
available for addicts and real-life cases of screen addictions. To conduct my research, I will search
the internet, interview those affected and doctors to understand how a screen addiction develops.
This stage should take me approximately a month
The second stage of my campaign will be designing my materials. I will need to design a logo for my
campaign, a poster, a badge, a t-shirt and a phone case. In order to design my logo and poster, I will
use Microsoft Publisher. To design my t-shirt, I will use Helloprint. My phone case and badges will
come from Printful and Camaloon, respectively. I will use the information gathered in stage one to
create my poster and t-shirts, and also use this information on my Twitter account. On the front of
my t-shirt, I will use the statistic regarding how under diagnosed screen addictions are (1.5-8%). On

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