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Summary Themen Kommunikationsprüfung 2021 7,89 €
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Summary Themen Kommunikationsprüfung 2021

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Zusammenfassung Themen Kommunikationsprüfung 2021

vorschau 3 aus 20   Seiten

  • 19. mai 2022
  • 20
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Englisch
  • 2
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Malea K. Hekeler

Brexit - Britain and Europe

Definition/ basic Information

• blend of British and Exit
• withdrawal agreement = transitional period (since 2016-2020)
> conducted by Theresa May and Boris Johnson
• describes the UK’s Exit from the EU on January 31st 2020/ January 1st 2021
> England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
• 51,9 % voted to leave the EU

Key terms/ system explained

• the EU = a political and economic Union
> allows free-trade without additional costs or inspections at borders
> free traveling - inhabitants can decide their living and working place

• points to arrange about
> free-trade agreement = Freihandelsabkommen
> criminal prosecution = Strafverfolgung
> security/ safety = Sicherheit
> data interchange = Datenaustausch
> aviation standards = Luftfahrtstandards
> purveyance of electricity and gas = Lieferung von ...
> licensing and regulation of medicine
> access to fishery-waterbodies = Fischereigewässer

Short timeline overview

23.June.2016 29.March.2017 June.2017 23.March.2018 13.November.2018
Brexit referendum withdrawal notification early general election in the UK and publication of guidelines for future draft withdrawal agreement
voted to leave (51,9%) form UK‘s government formation of a minority government relationship EU/UK by European Concil between EU/UK

January/March 2019 30.March.2019 May.2019 23/24.July.2019
rejection of the withdrawal agreement in originally Expiry of two-year periods to European parliamentary Boris Johnson takes over the leadership of the
several parliamentary votes in the UK negotiate the withdrawal agreement elections Conservative party, becomes Prime Minister

17.October. 2019 12.December.2019 1.February.2020 until 31.December.2020 31.December.2020
revised draft agreement early general election in UK and UK is no longer an European member access to the single market, participation deadline for negotiation,
EU/UK formation of a majority state, commencement the transitional in customs union, no voting right in EU end of transitional
government period constitutions period

, Malea K. Hekeler

Possible discussion topics/ problems/ questions

Pro Brexit Con Brexit
• negotiate trade agreements on their own • free Trade among EU members
> not being bound by the EU rules > no trade barriers
• follow the example of Norway > EU is a main trading partner
• become economically more successful • financial advantages
• Internat investors will see London as a safe • would lose their influence and suffer economically
and Independent haven and political
• too much immigration and even terrorism, • suffer on financial markets and reputation of
because of free movement London
• smaller companies would hardly be affected, • free movement (working and living)
because they do not trade with the EU > many British might not have easy access to health
• cultivate their traditional special relationship services anymore
• get its sovereignty back • workers could lose their jobs (farmers, interns
• EU rules hurt British interests companies)
• US prefer the UK to remain a strong member of the
EU (economically, politically and military)
• would lose influence, be an outsider
• we have a globalized world, isolationism is not
possible, solving world problems together (no
influence then)
• subject to international treaties and laws

• possible questions
> How, will the EU and UK resolve trade disputes in the future?
> What were the main problems at the end?
> What do the British expect from the exit?
> What does this mean for the Police and the justice?
> What happens to the Republic of Ireland and North Ireland?
> What happens to citizens of the UK currently living in the EU?
> What happens to the international industries, fishing and farmers?

Possible Cartoon/ Statistics

I do also have a vocabulary list, a cartoon analysis for this cartoon on the
left, more suitable cartoons and some more points for the Pro and Con side.
Contact me if you need some more informations :)

, Communication Exam Julia Reichle

4. TheStates of America
Divided States of America
Global role Trump/Biden
America’s Global role / Trump / Biden
World's most powerful military
Leading role in international institutions (UN and NATO)
→USA = superpower
Huge economy
Global dominance


Democrats Republicans
(Former) Barack Obama George W. Bush
Presidents (2009 – 2017) (2001 – 2009)
Joe Biden Donald Trump
(2021 – today) (2017 – 2021)
Philosophy Conservative Liberal
You may also have a look at:
The Election Process (+ the electoral college) + the 2020 election and its results
Donald Trump’s presidency (impeachment, domestic and foreign policy)
The trade war between China and the US
The Global role of the USA in the past (i.e. isolationism and interventionism)


Trump’s vs. Biden’s political agenda
Arguments of supporters/... Arguments of opponents/...

Health policy Adding a state health insurance → Dismantling of the “Obamacare”
Developing “Obamacare”1 health insurance
Economic + Doubling of the US-wide Punitive tariffs2 against the EU and
social policy minimum wage to $ 15 → China → Restrictive immigration
Moderate economic policy policy
Foreign Securing the loyalty of the US to Relationship between the US and the
policy the Alliance in NATO, but no end EU worsen during Trump’s
of the customs disputes3 with the presidency (due to punitive tariffs
EU and military spending)
Climate Rejoined the Parisian climate Left the Parisian Climate Agreement
change agreement → Wants to invest to in 2019 and withdrew various
make the US carbon neutral environmental regulations
Migration Assures that there will be no mass Build a wall to Mexico + abolish the
deportations “dreamer-program”4

1 Obamacare = Health insurance made available through the Affordable Care Act.
2 Punitive tariffs = Strafzölle
3 Customs disputes = Zollstreitigkeiten
Dreamer-program = legislative proposal to grant temporary conditional residency to unauthorized immigrants

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