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MFG 202 Exam # 2

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Ch. 34 Scientific Awakening Commonly called the Scientific Revolution Roughly Science was originally called natural philosophy Revolution in thinking and methodology (experimenting) Laid basis for modern view of the world as a rational ordered place Shifted the nature of discourse from r...

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MFG 202 Exam # 2
Ch. 34 Scientific Awakening - ANSWERCommonly called the Scientific Revolution
Roughly 1550-1750
Science was originally called natural philosophy

Revolution in thinking and methodology (experimenting) - ANSWERLaid basis for
modern view of the world as a rational ordered place
Shifted the nature of discourse from reason (deductive) to empirical (inductive)
Influence felt in government, commerce, philosophy, education and ordinary discourse

Science - ANSWERseeks to understand what nature is like

Technology - ANSWERseeks to manipulate the world for human benefit

Aristotelian Universe - ANSWERMethod: Deductive logic (proceed from a few basic
premises, use logic to find the truth)
Motion: Rest is natural, everything seeks its natural state
Matter: Earth, Air, Fire, Water (everything made as a combination of these 4 elements)
Heaven & Earth: The heavens are different stuff from Earth - light, airy, and perfect (fifth
Location of planets and stars: Earth is the center of the universe, stars are on
progressively higher crystalline spheres (stars are all on the same sphere)

*Copernicus - ANSWERCreated the Model of the Sun as the center of the universe
Circular orbits around the Sun
Common sense seemed to contradict
Scriptures seemed to contradict

Tycho Brahe - ANSWERrevised Copernican model,
All planets, but earth, revolve around the sun

Johannes Kepler - ANSWERLaws of Planetary Motion,
Orbits are ellipses

*Galileo - ANSWERItalian Mathematician and astronomer
Father of Science (Empiricist)
Challenged Aristotles Scientific Method
Improved Telescopes
Linked science and math with observation

*Francis Bacon - ANSWEREnglish Scientist and Father of the Scientific revolution
Inductive (Scientific) Method
Argued for experimentation
Avoid Idols

Bacon's Idols - ANSWERIdols of the Tribe: Human tendency to perceive things from a
finite and fallible perspective.

,MFG 202 Exam # 2
Idols of the Cave: Individual weaknesses in reasoning due to particular personalities,
likes and dislikes.
Idols of the Marketplace: Ways of understanding and using language that are dictated
by culture and society.
Idols of the Theatre: Accepted philosophical systems that are flawed. Bacon is referring
to the influence of major philosophers (Aristotle) and major religions on science.

Bacon's Truths - ANSWER1. Sensory perception (empirical knowledge) is more reliable
in examining the world than pure logic or theology.
2. Use manipulation of the world (experimentation) instead of just observation.
3. The principle of cause and effect is inviolate, we can know cause and effect.
4. Theory should be developed after the experiments were interpreted.
5. Inductive reasoning is given precedence over deductive reasoning.
6. Interpretation of data must be unbiased.
7. Well supported and accepted theories become laws.

*Descartes - ANSWERFrench Philosopher and Father of analytical Geometry
Spacial relationships can be expressed in math formulas
Theoretical Science, Reductionism

Reductionism - ANSWERReducing the problem to smaller and smaller levels until
problem can be solved

*Newton - ANSWEREnglish Scientist known as "the greatest scientist ever"
Wrote Principia Mathematica, which applied laws to the universe
Invented Calculus to prove gravity
Three Laws of Motion
Laws of Optics
Laws of Fluid Flow
Introduced Mathematical Modeling
Three great interests were Science, Alchemy, and Theology

*Lavoisier - ANSWERFather of Modern Chemistry
Quantification of experiments, hold results until proven several times

Ch. 35 Age of Enlightenment - ANSWER"Age of Reason"
principles of science applied to humans
Progressive, rational, humanistic worldview
spokesman= rising middle class

Enlightenment and Religion - ANSWERReason supersedes faith
Distrust of traditional and organized religion
Society is better as science guides humankind
Humans are naturally good
Focus on the good life here and now

, MFG 202 Exam # 2
Deism - ANSWER"Scientific Religion"
No church, No scripture, No set beliefs
Universe is governed by laws God established
God is distant, little interaction with mankind
Anti clerical and skeptical of organized religion
Expected ethical, enlightened behavior of all people

English Enlightenment - ANSWERCritics could speak openly about government

Thomas Hobbes - ANSWEREnglish political philosopher
Learned science from Galileo and believed in matter
Nothing can exist without being made out of matter
Wrote Government (Leviathan)
In the beginning God sent Monarchs to help control mankind

John Locke - ANSWEREnglish Politician, writer, and scientist
Helped orchestrate the Glorious Revolution
In the beginning mankind entered into a "social contract",
Man agreed to give up freedoms to protect life, liberty, and property, if Government no
longer protects these basic rights it can be removed
Rule of Law matters

Edward Gibbon - ANSWEREnglish thinker that criticized christianity in politics
Wrote Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Anti-religous bias

Alexander Pope - ANSWERWriter, Poet, and Playwright
Criticized the English people and the Enlightenment to a degree
We should avoid taking knowledge too far
Wrote the Essay on Man and Essay on Criticism
French Enlightenment- More dangerous to talk openly about government and politics

The Philosophes - ANSWERFrench name for philosopher, enlightenment intellectuals
Believed in inevitability of progress
Ignoring superstition in religion

Voltaire - ANSWERFrench Philosopher and Deist
Very Critical of the Catholic Church and organized religion
Leader of French enlightenment
Wrote Candide

Candide - ANSWERWritten about why there is suffering of good people
Came from the large earthquake in Lisbon and Voltaires questioning God
Voltaire came to the conclusion there was no God

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