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Zusammenfassung „Nigeria“ (Abitur-Lernzettel: Englisch Lk NRW) 6,09 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Zusammenfassung „Nigeria“ (Abitur-Lernzettel: Englisch Lk NRW)

Ich verkaufe hier meine Abitur Lernzettel, die ich alle selbst in Word erstellt habe. Bei diesem Dokument handelt es sich um eine 4-seitige Zusammenfassung des Themas „Nigeria“, was vom Ministerium für den Lk/Gk vorgegeben ist. Das Dokument besteht aus Stichsätzen, Tabellen und Darstellungen.

vorschau 2 aus 5   Seiten

  • 21. mai 2022
  • 5
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Englisch
  • 1
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (274)

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von: klatthaase • 7 Monate vor

Inhaltsfeld 2:

Basic Information - Country in West Africa
- Located on the western coast of Africa
„Federal Republic of Nigeria“ - Bordered to the Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean (S)
- 920.770 km² big
Capital: Abuja ➔ Largest african country („African Giant“)
- Neighbor-countries are Niger (N), Chad and Cameroon (E),
Largest City: Lagos Benin (W)
- Principal rivers are the Niger River and the Buenue
Official language: english ➔ Nigeria is namend after the Niger River
- Niger Delta is a region through which the waters of the
National languages: Hausa Niger River drain into the Gulf of Guinea
Igbo ➔ Characteristic landforms are freshwater swamps and
Yoruba brackish mangrove thickets near the seacoast
(over 500 more)

Oil exploration in the Niger Delta region
- 1956: Oil discovery by the Shell Petroleum company, after half a century of oil exploiration in the
Niger Delta region
- 1958: Nigeria joined the ranks of oil producers (commercial quantity producing about 5100 barrels a
- Oil exploration rights were also extended to other companies ( e.g. total)
- Between 1967 and 1970, further oil exploration was prevented by the civil war
- Development of oil exploiration
➔ 1970: 308 million barrels
➔ 1991: 703,455 million barrels
- Oil industry is highly visible
- Shell controls 31.000 square kilometers of land that is crisscrossed by long pipelines, also well and flow
➔ Large parts of the oil infrastructure can be located close to farms, water resources and homes of
the communities of the Niger Delta region
- Niger Delta is the most attractive region for oil exploiration

, Effects of the oil exploration

People and their land Animals
- Groundwater pollution - Birds get oil in their feathers
- Land gets infertile ➔ Aren’t able to fly anymore and
- Deadly accidents happen slowly suffocate
- Seperation of tribes and families - Farm animals are dying because their
- Are fleeing from their homes and owners leave the villages
villages - Poison the water
➔ Leave behind their ancestors - Ecosystem ist destroyed
- A lot of violence due to social
tension - They die
➔ Soldiers vs. Militants ➔ Due to pollution
➔ Or meagre landscapes

The whole Ecosystem gets out of balance

Colonial times
- Around 1500 AD: Portuguese slave trade to America began along Nigeria’s coasts
➔ 18th century: the British had taken control of them
➔ Number of slave trades increased (esp. Around Lagos)
- British missionaries built schools and spread their beliefs, language and culture
- 1807: slave trade was abolished
➔ Missionaries campaigned for the British Parliament to introduce a ban
- Early 19th century: The Fulani started a holy war against the Hausa
➔ Fulani created a separate Muslim empire and judicial system in the north
- Later 19th century: Nigeria’s ports and the export of natural resources/ agricultural goods came under
the control of Britain’s Royal Niger Company
➔ Britain dominated much of the Nigerian south
- Yoruba started cooperating with the british because the muslim dominance (north) putted them under
➔ Easy for the British to expand to the north
- End of 19th century: Nigeria is fully under British control
➔ South (christian)= full control
➔ North (muslim) = reign through local rulers
- A divide between muslim north and christian south
➔ Grows wider bc of the rapid modernisation of the economy and the western influence on the
education system (in the south)
➔ Growth in Nigerias export trade (cacao, leather, cotton)

Constitutional development
- 1914: north & south become „Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria
➔ 1st constitutional developments (south)
- From 1922 on: legislative council (south)
➔ Members predominantly european
- From 1947 on: leg. Council rule whole country
➔ More africans than europeans
- 1954: Nigeria becomes a federation
- 1956:discovering of oil (south-east)
- 1976: nationalization of oil industry
➔ Still dominated by British companies

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