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Englisch Zusammenfassung der Themen ABI 2021-22 , Baden-Württemberg 4,99 €
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Englisch Zusammenfassung der Themen ABI 2021-22 , Baden-Württemberg

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Englisch Abitur - Zusammenfassung aller Themen: TOPIC 1: The changing patterns of work and consumption Bsp:WOMEN IN WORKPLACE – TREND IS REVERSING • Four decades, number of women who started working grew fast, causing powerful cultural and economic transformation of America society. • Si...

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  • 25. mai 2022
  • 24
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
  • baden württemberg
  • englisch
  • abitur
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Englisch
  • 3
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (296)
Englisch Abitur - Zusammenfassung

TOPIC 1: The changing patterns of work and consumption

The Consumer Society
• Consumption patterns before the Industrial Revolution:
➢ Population lived in rural areas (ländliche Gegend).
➢ Clothing and household possessions (Besitztümer) were limited.
➢ Fashion, technological change & social pressure did not drive people to make
new purchases.
• Industrial revolution:
➢ Workers moved to cities to work in factories
➢ Earned wages spent on basic needs
➢ Wages and working conditions improved through trade unions
(Gewerkschaften), political reformers and humanitarian groups.
→ Society is growing to todays society
• In developed countries the economy and standard of living depends on trade of
goods between individuals

Changes in Consumption
• Consumption patterns have changed during the last 50 years.
• Spent on basic essentials (food, clothing, housing) lower than spent on non-essential
items (luxury goods, cars,…)

The Consumers of the Future
• Most consumers live in developing countries or emerging markets
• China & India 20% of all
• Emerging markets: Greatest potential to increase number of consumers
• Industrial countries responsible for taking the worlds resources and for
environmental degradation (Verschlechterung)

Consumerism (Konsumdenken)
• Not only purchasing and consuming basic goods and materials
• People spent money in things that will give a certain status
• Products have short life and are quickly replaced
• Over-consumption leads to dwindling resources (schwindende R.) and pollution
• “There is enough on earth for everybody’s needs but not for everybody’s greed.”

• Ad. is a form of communication → inform potential customers about products
and services.
• Mass-consumption and mass production is possible because of advertising
• Ads use brand names, brand image,…
• Ads contain factual information or just persuasive (überzeugende) messages.
• Ads are placed where everybody can see them (sides of busses,…)

, • In Great Britain: Advertising standards that forbid sexism, brutality,…

Globalization, the Consumer and the Worker
• Process of interaction and integration among people, companies and nations,
usually for international trade.
• Great increases in cross-border trade because of technological advantages
• PRO: Poor countries develop economically and raise standard of living
• CON: International free market benefits multinational corporations and not local

• Compulsive shoppers: Need to go out at regular intervals and buy latest trends
and styles, no matter if they have the same pieces at home.
• Impulsive shoppers: Don’t want to overspend, but temptation (Versuchung) is
always there. It is wasted trip to go home empty-handed, so they pick up random
• Bargain shoppers: Drive miles to save money. Search for sales, coupons,… and
spent money to things that doesn’t fit or they don’t need.
• Window shoppers: Walk around the malls mentally buying the best clothes, but
don’t buy them in real life. They return refreshed and proud of not having bought

• Many Americans drive downtown to eat fast food and higher petrol prices should
stop that about 10%
• 4 out of 10 Americans are overweight.
• American obesity rates began to rise in the 1980’s, because of an overworked
population that only has time for convenience food, that contains more calories
• Fast-food companies served larger portions and invented new snacks
• Rising petrol prices: People use public transport or walk

• Reason for branding: increase of sales by 30%
• Brand names have big power → people buy things they usually don’t buy
• “Word association”: people believe texts of packages (even though they aren’t

• Globalization is seen as a beneficial thing that brings the world closer together
• Globalization is the product of multinational corporations searching for profit and
cheaper labor.
• Companies move into less developed countries to take advantage of cheap labor
and pay them below the subsistence level.
• Women make products that are shipped into more developed countries and sold
for a huge profit.
• Globalization is about avoiding environmental regulations → terrible working

, • Most important: Global market → same products sold all over the world
→ Life is becoming more uniform:
➢ Way of dressing
➢ Way of Life
➢ Language
➢ Media

• Four decades, number of women who started working grew fast, causing
powerful cultural and economic transformation of America society.
• Since 1990’s there’s a standstill
• Women experienced a change in attitudes and a change in life that allows them
to work outside.
→ spent more time on housework and job, married later, had fewer children
→ fathers had to stay with the children, less sleep, less time for childcare
• Women have already reached their limit of amount of work → trend is reversing

• Advance of technology → Grow of influence of mass media
(telegraph → radio → newspaper → magazines →television →internet)
• Society depends on information and communication to keep moving
• In daily life we rely on the media to get current news
• Media is an authority for us that gives us news, entertainment and education.
• Big influence on kids, teenagers and society.
• Selling of ads → billions of dollars, because buying decisions based on the ads
• Positive: popular sport in the media→ people make sport→ healthier people
• Negative: stars smoke and take drugs, violence, sexual images, junk food
• Media creates an ideal image of successful and beautiful men and women
→ people want to be like that → no individualism
• People suffering from anorexia and obesity b.c. of media
→ supermodels, junk food ads

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