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How are lipids carried Correct Answer: on lipoproteins in the blood because they are insoluble in water Proteins found on lipoproteins Correct Answer: apolipoproteins Density of lipoprotein with less lipid and greater protein Correct Answer: more dense Density of lipoprotein with more l...

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  • 30. september 2022
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  • Fragen & Antworten
How are lipids carried Correct Answer: on lipoproteins in the blood because they are insoluble
in water

Proteins found on lipoproteins Correct Answer: apolipoproteins

Density of lipoprotein with less lipid and greater protein Correct Answer: more dense

Density of lipoprotein with more lipids and less protein Correct Answer: less dense

Major bloodstream lipoproteins Correct Answer: chylomicrons, vLDL, LDL, HDL

Chylomicrons Correct Answer: least dense of the lipoproteins and are triglyceride-rich particles
that are formed in the intestine

Function of Chylomicrons and where they can be found Correct Answer: Transport dietary fat
and can be found in the bloodstream at highest concentration soon after a meal

Least to most dense lipoprotein particles Correct Answer: Chlyomicron, vLDL, LDL, HDL

lipoprotein that is the most atherogenic of all lipoproteins Correct Answer: LDL

LDL carries Correct Answer: 60-70% of the cholesterol in the blood

HDL carries Correct Answer: 20-30% of the cholesterol in the blood

Equation for total LDL-C in bloodstream Correct Answer: LDL= TC-(HDL-C-(TG/5))

When does calculating LDL-C become inaccurate Correct Answer: when TG exceeds 400mg/dL

Desirable total cholesterol level Correct Answer: <200

Borderline high total cholesterol level Correct Answer: 200-240

High total cholesterol level Correct Answer: >240

Optimal TG level Correct Answer: <150

Borderline high TG level Correct Answer: 150-199

High TG level Correct Answer: 200-499

Very high TG levels Correct Answer: >500

,Optimal in men HDL levels Correct Answer: >40

Optimal in women HDL levels Correct Answer: >50

Optimal LDL-C levels Correct Answer: <100

Near optimal LDL-C levels Correct Answer: 100-129

Borderline high LDL-C levels Correct Answer: 130-159

High LDL-C levels Correct Answer: 160-189

Very high LDL-C levels Correct Answer: >190

Hypertriglycerdemia is associated with high levels of Correct Answer: VLDL-C

Non-HDL-Cholesterol calculation Correct Answer: HDL-C - Total cholesterol

Atherogenic dyslipidemia Correct Answer: Elevated levels of TG, low HDL-C and only modest
elevations of LDL-C

Metabolic syndrome Correct Answer: requires the presence of any 3 of the following conditions:
abdominal obesity, elevated TG, low HDL, elevated BP and hyperglycemia

Criteria for metabolic syndrome: Abdominal obesity Correct Answer: WC >102 cm (40 in) for
WC >88cm (35 in) for women

Criteria for metabolic syndrome: Hypertriglyceremia Correct Answer: ≥150 or drug treatment

Criteria for metabolic syndrome: Low HDL Correct Answer: <40 for men
<50 for women

Criteria for metabolic syndrome: Elevated BP Correct Answer: SBP ≥130
DBP ≥85
or drug treatment

Criteria for metabolic syndrome: Hyperglycemia Correct Answer: Fasting glucose ≥100
or drug treatment

AACVPR understanding of atherosclerosis Correct Answer: Traditional risk factors are a source
of inflammatory changes in the blood vessel wall --> which attract lipid laden macrophages and
other inflammatory cells to enter the blood vessel wall --> where they proliferate and develop
atherosclerotic plaques --> which are the source of the clinical manifestations of CHD

,Fatty streaks Correct Answer: lipid deposition (daily lipid laden macrophages) in the arterial

Lumen Correct Answer: opening inside of the blood vessel

fibrous plaque Correct Answer: Larger and more obstructive lesoions consisting of an outer

Why do plaque ruptures occurs prior to the development of cardiovascular symptoms in many
cases Correct Answer: Atherosclerotic plaques that are prone to rupture tend to be younger,
more immature plaques that usually do not produce the degree of luminal narrowing required to
develop exertion symptoms

What occurs after a plaque rupture Correct Answer: Clot formation within the lumen of the
coronary artery, potential resulting in an acute coronary syndrome from the sudden development
of severe obstruction to coronary blood flow

Examples of foods high in dietary cholesterol Correct Answer: Animal products ( meat, poultry,
fish, eggs, butter, cheese, whole and 2% milk)

Examples of foods high in saturated fatty acids Correct Answer: high fat meats (beef, lamb,
pork, poultry with skin, beef fat, lard), dairy products, tropical oils ( palm oil, palm kernel oil,
coconut oil)

Examples of foods high in trans fatty acids Correct Answer: fried foods, baked goods, stick
margarines, shortenings

Examples of foods high in monounsaturated fatty acids Correct Answer: vegetable oils (olive
oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil) , avocados, peanutbutter, nuts and seeds

Examples of foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids Correct Answer: vegetable oils (soybean
oil, safflower oil), fatty fish ( salmon, mackerel, herring, trout) nuts (walnuts), seeds (sunflower

ACC/AHA Lifestyle Management Guidelines Dietary recommendations for lowering LDL-C
Correct Answer: 1) consume a dietary pattern that emphasizes; vegetables, whole grains and
fruits; low fat dairy products, fish, legumes, non-tropical oils and nuts; limit sweets, sugared
beverages and red meats
2) Aim for a diet of 5-6% of calories from saturated fats
3) Reduce percent calories from saturated fats
4) Reduce percent of calories from trans fats

What are unrefined carbohydrates referred as Correct Answer: whole grains

Strongest evidence for dietary patterns Correct Answer: DASH diet
(dietary approach to stop hypertension)

, Function of statins Correct Answer: reduce cholesterol production in the liver by inhibiting the
enzyme HMG CoA reductase

When to investigate into possible secondary causes of hyperlipidemia Correct Answer: LDL-C
>190 mg/dL and triglycerides >600mg/dL

LDL-C reduction on low intensity statin Correct Answer: <30%

LDL-C reduction on moderate intensity statin Correct Answer: 30-<50%

LDL-C reduction on high intensity statin Correct Answer: >50%

Secondary causes of elevated LDL Correct Answer: diets high in saturated fat/trans fat, weight
gain, anorexia, diuretics, cyclosporine, glucocorticoids, amiodarone, binary obstruction,
nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, obesity, pregnancy

Secondary causes of elevated triglycerides Correct Answer: Diets high in refined carbs, weight
gain, very low fat diets, excessive alcohol intake, estrogens, glucocorticoids, bile acid
sequestrates, protease inhibitors, retinoid acid, anabolic steroids, sirolimus, ralozifene,
tamoxifen, beta blockers, thiazide diuretics, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome,
lipodystrophies, diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity, pregnancy

Rosuvastatin 5, 10mg intensity Correct Answer: moderate

Rosuvastatin 20, 40 mg intensity Correct Answer: high

Atorvastatin 10, 20 mg intensity Correct Answer: moderate

Atorvastatin 40, 80mg intensity Correct Answer: high

Simvastatin 10mg intensity Correct Answer: low

Simvastatin 20, 40 mg intensity Correct Answer: moderate

Pravastatin 10, 20 mg intensity Correct Answer: low

Pravastatin 40, 80mg intensity Correct Answer: moderate

Lovastatin 20mg intensity Correct Answer: low

Lovastatin 40mg intensity Correct Answer: moderate

Fluvastatin XL 80mg intensity Correct Answer: moderate

Fluvastatin 20, 40mg intensity Correct Answer: low

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