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Test Bank For Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 9th Edition by Corinne Kurzen; Anna LaVon Barrett 9781975136215 Chapter 1-16 Complete Guide. 22,61 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank For Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 9th Edition by Corinne Kurzen; Anna LaVon Barrett 9781975136215 Chapter 1-16 Complete Guide.

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Test Bank For Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 9th Edition by Corinne Kurzen; Anna LaVon Barrett 6215, 7, 9819, 5 1: Adjusting to Student Life 2: The Student Nurse as a Person 3: Communication Skills 4: Education for Nursing 5: The NCLEX-PN® 6: Nursing From Past to Prese...

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  • Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 9th Edit
  • Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 9th Edit

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T e s t B a n k F o r C o n t e m p o r a r y P r a c t i c a l / V o c a t i o n a l
N u r s i n g 9 t h E d i t i o n b y C o r i n n e K u r z e n ; A n n a L a V o n
B a r r e t t
Complete Test bank, All Chapters are included. Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 9th Edition Kurzen Test Bank
Chapter 1 Adjusting to Student Life &
Chapter 2 The Student Nurse as a Person
1. During orientation, a novice nurse sits and “virtually spends” the first few paychecks ,
envisioning the money going into a personal bank account. In the dream state, the nurse
smiles and knows that the pain of nursing school was worth it. Which phase of reality shock is
the nurse experiencing?
b.Shock or rejection
During the honeymoon phase, the novice nurse has a positive image of nursing that coincides
with the reason for becoming a nurse; this feeling is experienced immediately after the nurse
begins work and often while still in orientation.
DIF: Comprehension REF: dm 416-417
2.A novice nurse is assigned a patient who has an order to draw blood for culture and
from a central line before antibiotic therapy is started. The novice reads and rereads the procedure manual. An hour later he stands at the bedside of the patient and stares at the central
line, without knowing how to proceed. This phase of reality shock is termed:
b.shock or rejection.
During the shock or rejection phase, there is inconsistency with what was learned in school and the work environment, and the novice nurse lacks many of the skills needed to be independent in this new role.
DIF: Comprehension REF: 3. According to Kramer, nurses in the shock phase should ask themselves:
a.“How can I fit in with other staff?”
b. “Why can’t I perform as everyone expects?”
c.“What changes can I make to make me feel good about the choice to become a
d. “How can I get the rest of the staff to change?”
During the shock or rejection phase, novice nurses must ask themselves what they must do to www.nursylab.com become the type of nurse envisioned and to make a contribution.
DIF: Application REF: 2. The novice nurse arrives on the nursing unit, is introduced to the staff, is assigned a preceptor,
and is asked to participate in the next staff meeting. This introduction into nursing is a. biculturalism.appropriately termed:
d.“going native.”
Socialization involves the acceptance and integration of the novice nurse into the profession of nursing, as well as the identification of the novice nurse with the profession of nursing. DIF: Comprehension REF: p.
5.Several novice nurses share lunch breaks and have comments such as, “I have
insomnia from
worrying about what I forgot to do for my patient,” and “I have no energy,” and “I can’t believe I can’t do my job correctly.” These novice nurses are each experiencing different symptoms of:
b.low self-esteem.
c.lack of confidence.
Symptoms of burnout include extreme fatigue, headaches, difficulty sleeping, mood swings,
anxiety, poor work quality, depression, and anger.
DIF: Comprehension REF:
e. 417-4186. Which nurse is more prone to burnout? The nurse who:
a.graduated last in the class.
b.is industrious and conscientious.
c.refuses to work an extra shift even though he or she needs the mone y.
d.volunteers to serve on only one committee and keeps in touch with schoolmates. ANS: B
Burnout is more common among nurses with type A personalities and those who are overachievers.
DIF: Application REF: d
7.A novice nurse notices the medication nurse hurriedly gathering medications to be administered for the entire day, removing them from the packages, and placing them in a
paper cup with the patient’s name and room number on the cup. When one of the
points at a pill and asks, “What is this?” and “What does this do?” the medication nurse is
uncertain, because it has long since been removed from the packaging. The novice nurse
speaks to the nurse manager about her observations and describes her concerns. The novice
nurse has assumed the role of:
b. “rutter.” www.nursylab.com c.change agent.
The novice nurse is working to improve the safety and patient environment and is a patient advocate.
DIF: Comprehension REF:
8.The novice nurse calls a supervisor and requests that a “float nurse” be assigned to
help with
all “assessments of new admissions and postoperative patients.” The supervisor asks, “How
many admissions and surgery patients have you received?” The novice nurse becomes flustered because she has not checked the census but simply bases the need on feeling overwhelmed. This situation best indicates a lack of skills.
The novice nurse lacks p roficienc y, which may be exaggerated by feelings of being
overwhelmed by the new environment, causing him or her to not get the facts before asking
for help.
DIF: Comprehension REF:
9.When the novice nurse asks, “What will happen if this task is not completed,” which skill is
being demonstrated?
a.Priority setting
d.Clinical skills
The novice nurse is considering the legal and safety ramifications if the task is not completed. DIF: Comprehension REF: d
10. In distinguishing between evaluation methods used in school versus those
used in the work
environment, it is noted that the work environment evaluation includes:
a.determining whether steps are logical.
b.formulating increments in correct order.
c.efficiently organizing stages of the procedure.
d.appraising outcomes according to polic y.
Outcomes are based on meeting existing criteria rather than on knowing how the outcome was
DIF: Application RE
11. When comparing mentoring and role modeling, the role of mentoring is
represented by which www.nursylab.com

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