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Summary Woordenlijst English for Business '23-'24 (unit 1-46) 10,49 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Woordenlijst English for Business '23-'24 (unit 1-46)

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Woordenlijst English for Business (unit 1-46), 1BEM, Arteveldehogeschool AJ '23-'24 Bevat elk woord uit het boek + vertaling + voorbeeldzin Lesgever: Ruben Matthys Boek: Business vocabulary in use (intermediate) Units 47-66 ontbreken omdat wij dit niet moesten kennen

vorschau 4 aus 67   Seiten

  • Ja
  • 26. dezember 2022
  • 67
  • 2023/2024
  • Zusammenfassung

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von: mathisdecuyper • 8 Monate vor


von: kenjidelange • 8 Monate vor


von: gillesjanssens • 7 Monate vor

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Very good list, they passed the exam.


Vocabulary list: English for Business


A full-time job Is a job for the whole period of the normal working week Een fulltime baan
A part-time job Is a job for less than a normal working week Een parttime baan
A permanent job/work Does not finish after a fixed period Een vaste baan
A temporary job/work Finished after a fixed period Een tijdelijke baan
To work for / Werken voor (iemand)
To work on / Werken aan (iets)
To run To organise or to manage Leiden
To manage To be in control or charge of Beheren
To work under / Werken onder/voor (iemand)
A responsibility / Een verantwoordelijkheid
To be responsible for / Verantwoordelijk zijn voor (iets/iemand)
To be in charge of Responsible for Verantwoordelijk zijn
To deal with To be concerned with Behandelen
To work with / Werken met
Out of work Being unemployed Werkloos zijn
Leave for work/go to work/get / Vertrekken naar uw werk/toekomen op uw werk
to or arrive at work
Take time off work / Vrijaf nemen door ziekte etc.

An office worker Someone who works in an office Een kantoorbediende, kantoorpersoneel
A nine-to-five job A job starting an 9 am and ending at 5pm Een dagjob
Working hours The hours you work in an office De werkuren
A swipe card You need a swipe card to get into the office Een pasje
To clock on (or to clock in) Inklokken
To clock off (or to clock out) Uitklokken
Flexitime To be able to work whenever you want, within certain limits Variabele werktijden
A shift A group of people who begin to work on a job when another group Een ploeg
stops working
The day shift The period in the day during which a group works De dagploeg


, The night shift The period at night during which a group works De nachtploeg
Overtime Time spent in working beyond one's set number of hours Overuren
To commute To travel regularly between two places, especially between home in Pendelen
the suburbs and work in the city.
A commuter A person who travels to work daily Een pendelaar
Working from home Werken van thuisuit
Teleworking (or Work from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telewerken
telecommuting) telephone.
Satisfying/stimulating/ The work is interesting and gives you positive feelings Bevredigend/stimulerend/fascinerend/
fascinating/exciting spannend
Dull/boring/uninteresting/ The work is not interesting Saai/oninteressant/niet-stimulerend
Repetitive/routine The work involves doing the same things again and again Herhalend
Tiring/tough/hard/ The work is difficult and makes you tired Vermoeiend/moeilijk/veeleisend
My work involves… /
I like/dislike/prefer/enjoy…

A recruitment The process of finding people for particular jobs De aanwerving
A recruit Someone who has been recruited for a job Een nieuw lid
A recruitment agency (or an A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters Een aanwervingsagentschap
employment agency, recruiters)
To hire = to recruit tewerkstellen
To employ = to hire tewerkstellen
To join to become a member of (the company in this case) Lid worden van
A headhunter Outside specialists who are used to find people for very important Een headhunter
To headhunt jobs and to persuade them to leave the organisations they already
Headhunting work for
Situations vacant The part of a newspaper in which jobs are listed Vacatures in de krant
To apply for To ask for (something) formally Solliciteren
An application form / Het sollicitatieformulier
To make an application / Een sollicitatie doen
A jobs website A website where job vacancies are listed Een jobwebsite

, CV (curriculum vitae) A short written description of your education, qualifications, CV
previous jobs, … that you send to an employer when you are trying
to get a job
A covering letter a letter that contains information about the thing it is sent with Een begeleidende brief
A situation/post/position Formal words often used in job advertisements and applications Een positie
A selection process / Een selectieproces
A background check A check of what a person has done in the past, usually as part of the Een achtergrondonderzoek
process of deciding whether or not to employ them
An applicant A person who formally requests something De aanvrager
An experience The process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or Een ervaring
feeling things
Qualifications An official record showing that you have finished a training course Kwalificaties
or have the necessary skills, etc.
A candidate A person who is competing to get a job or elected position Een kandidaat
A group discussion With the most interesting candidates Een groepsdiscussie
An interview A meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are Een sollicitatiegesprek
suitable for a job or course
A psychometric test A test which is used to assess the intelligence and personality of a Een psychometrische test
A shortlist A list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or Een beperkte lijst
prize, made from a longer list of people originally considered, and
from which one person will be chosen
A reference A mention of something (past jobs) Een referentie
A referee A person who knows you and who is willing to describe and, usually, Een refererend persoon
praise you, in order to support you when you are trying to get a job,
To offer (the job) / (de job) aanbieden
A job offer An offer from an employer to give you a job Een jobaanbieding
To turn down (the job) To refuse the request of a job (de job) weigeren
To accept (the job) To agree to the request of a job (de job) accepteren
To appoint To choose someone officially for a job or responsibility Aanstellen


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