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Summary A* Tudor History A Level Elizabeth I Timeline 7,30 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary A* Tudor History A Level Elizabeth I Timeline

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This is a timeline of all the KEY dates during Elizabeth I's reign, including a summary/explanation given with each date. This is perfect for memorising the key dates needed to include in essays and also helps to understand the numerous events during the reign. I achieved an A* in History A level ...

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von: egmcl28 • 3 Monate vor

Great Layout and content :)

1558 - 1559
Elizabeth 1558 Elizabeth ascends throne after
I death of Mary I
1558 -

1558 Cecil Becomes secretary of state

Jan Elizabeths coronation

1559 Act of Settlement Act of Supremacy
- Restored the legal position of the Crown in relation to
the Church. Elizabeth was “Supreme Governor” of the
Act of Uniformity
- Speci ed for a single Book of Common Prayer to be
used, which was a modi cation of the strongly
Protestant Prayer Book that had been introduced by
Cranmer in 1552.
Royal Injunctions
- Used to impose the Church settlement. Local clergy
were to adopt a" Protestant” view of worship in parish

1559 Treaty of Cateau Cambrésis France would retain Calais for 8 years, Calais would be
restored to English control England had kept the peace in
If France failed to return Calais, (£125,000) to England

1559 Religious change Matthew Parker appointed Archbishop of Canterbury

1559 Henry II of France dies succeeded by Francis II who was married to Mary Queen
of Scots (MQOS)

1559 Intervention of Scotland William Cecil threatens to step down if Elizabeth didn’t
Elizabeth aid the Lords of the Congregation (protestants)

1560 - 1561

1560 Treaty of Berwick Elizabeth o ered support to the lords of the congregation

1560 Treaty of Edinburgh Signed between England, France and Scotland, the
French withdraw from Scot and brings peace between
Eng and Scot. The Lords of the Congregation were
accepted as a provisional conciliar government

1561 MQOS denied passage Returns to England to assume the role of Queen, potential
through Eng after returning threat to throne and position
from France


1562 French Wars of Religion begin Between French Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots)

1562 Support for French Hugenots Robert Dudley, Earl of Leister, encouraged Elizabeth to put
military pressure on the French Crown when it was in a
relatively weak state so as to ensure the return of Calais.
The Huguenot army was defeated and Conde was
captured; on the Catholic side the duke of Guise was

1562 Treaty of Hampton Court Between Eliz and Huguenot leader Louis, Prince of Condé

1562 Eliz falls ill with small pox Brings into question the situation of her succession

1563 - 1564

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, 1563 Elizabeth urged to marry In an attempt to secure her succession

1563 39 Articles De ned the faith of the Church of England

1563 Publication of John Foxes
‘Book of Martyr’s’

1564 Treaty of Troyes Elizabeth not only lost the indemnity she had secure at
Cateau-Cambresis, she lost Calais as well, this time
Signi cant loss of prestige

1564 Trade with Spain normalised

1565 - 1567

1565 MQOS marries Henry Stuart, He is the great grandson of HVII
Lord Darnley

1566 Elizabeth pressed by
parliament to marry

1566 Parkers Advertisements issued Leading to Vesterian controversy over clerical dress

1567 Darnley killed in explosion in Bothwell though to be involved
his own home

1567 MQOS defeated by scot Defeated at Carberry Hill by the Scottish nobles,
nobles imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle

1567 Mary forced to abdicate Replaced by her 1 year old son James VI

1566 - Duke of Alba takes control of Outbreak of revolt in the Netherlands
1567 the Netherlands


1558 Dutch War of Independence

1568 Clashes with the Spanish Spanish eet and English eet under John Hawkins.
Elizabeth impound Spanish bullion

1558 Battle of San Juan de Ulua English eet led by John Hawkins clashes with Spanish
eet resulting In the death of 500 English men

1568 Gold Bullion Incident Elizabeth seizes 5 Spanish ships carrying £85,000 heading
towards the Netherlands

1568 Spain attack Hawkins’s eet at returned to England with only 15 men
Gulf of Mexico

1568 MQOS escapes After a failed rebellion if forced to ee to England,
Elizabeth arrests her upon her arrival

1569 - 1570

1569 Northern Rebellion - The Duke of Norfolk plots against Elizabeth and, in
November, the Northern Rebellion, in Favour of Mary,
Queen of Scots.
- They considered themselves dishonoured by having
been displaced from their traditional aristocratic role of
controlling northern government.
- Encouraged by De Spes

1570 Excommunication Pope Pius V communicated Eliz with papal bull

1570 beginning of Presbyterianism
beginning of prophesyings

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