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Summary A* Tudor History A Level Elizabeth I Anglo-Spanish War/relations Timeline 7,30 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary A* Tudor History A Level Elizabeth I Anglo-Spanish War/relations Timeline

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This is a Tudor A Level AQA History timeline of the Anglo-Spanish war/relations during Elizabeth I's reign. This includes key dates with specific explanations, perfect for planning essays or remembering key dates and their significance.

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  • 13. januar 2023
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  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
What was the main reason for the breakdown in Anglo-Spanish
Date Event Signi cance

1559 Philip o ers to marry Elizabeth, she rejects. instigates a decline in relations in
comparison to Mary I, insult to Philip.

1562 Philip protests to Elizabeth about her support Lays down boundaries for a rivalry based on
for Huguenot rebels against the French religion

1563 Philips Government banned imports of shows that Spain, Philip and Elizabeth are
English Cloth, both sides later back down and willing to compromise on nancial matters for
trade normalised in 1564. the security of their religion and Foreign

1566-67 Outbreak of the revolt of the Netherlands, Spain made it clear that they were anti
Spanish Duke of Alba sent to Netherlands to Protestant and were willing to use force to
crush rioting Calvinists and to restore rm prevent its spread.

1568 Spain expelled the English ambassador from Pushing Catholic agenda into England, added
Madrid and replaced its own ambassador in tension, shows diplomacy is not a factor.
London with a more hard-line Catholic, De

1568 Eliz seized gold bullion that was being Start of dispute in terms of trade, spite form
transported through the channel for Albas both, not backing down from Spain, turning
army, trade not fully restored until 1574 point.

1569 De Spes negotiated with Northern Earls and Spain stirs up trouble to displace Elizabeths
encourages rebellion power and push catholicism.

1570 Pope formally excommunicated Elizabeth and Likely Philip was involved, unnecessary
declared her deposed procedure to globally shame Elizabeth, left
them vulnerable and with less Catholic

1570 Elizabeth considers marrying Duke of Anjou Shows she is desperate for support from

1571 Discovery of Rudolf plot, Philip and De Spes Spain became a real threat which poses
implicated, De Spes expelled and repression extreme concern to Elizabeth, no longer
of English Catholics intensi ed spiteful = real threat
Indirect war

1572 Treaty of Blois Replaced the idea of marriage to Anjou with
an Anglo French defensive alliance against
Protection against Spain, further cements
relations with France.

1572 Rebes in Netherlands seize the port of Brill, True as Eliz sent Gilbert to hold ushing so
Eliz accused of allowing English volunteers to the French army couldn’t capture here whilst
support the rebels and giving them Safe Netherlands army revolted.
harbour. Weakened Philips authority, signi es that Eliz
was now actively willing to ght Spain and be
at War.

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