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GCSE/IGCSE Physics Summary Notes (A* Student) - Unit 4 Properties of waves, light and sound for CIE/ CAIE, AQA, Edexcel and OCR 6,40 €   In den Einkaufswagen


GCSE/IGCSE Physics Summary Notes (A* Student) - Unit 4 Properties of waves, light and sound for CIE/ CAIE, AQA, Edexcel and OCR

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General physics, Thermal physics, Properties of waves, including light and sound, Electricity and magnetism, Atomic physics

vorschau 2 aus 7   Seiten

  • 17. januar 2023
  • 7
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
Nuclear Fission (available at all time)
The process by which energy is released by the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei.
Inside a nuclear reactor, their radioactive decay is speeded up so that the energy they store is released
much more quickly
+ High power output, No greenhouse gases, Large reserves of nuclear fuels
- Waste products are dangerous, difficult to dispose of, Major health hazards if accident, Expensive to
build and run.

Fossil fuels
Oil, gas and coal are usually hydrocarbons which react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and
energy. It is produced by the remains of organisms in the Carboniferous era.
+ Relatively cheap, Can produce lots of energy, Easy to transport
- Run our, Coal- rain acid, Release greenhouse gases, oil spillages
Wood and animal dung are examples of biomass fuel.
+ Plants are renewable, use natural waste products
- crop failure will mean the loss of the energy resource, can only be used in wet and hilly area

Not ______________________________________________________________
Fus i w p e s s . ... Bot fi si d u na ce r a n ha r e n y, bu h li on no
t e m . Fis is s ti g e v , un b uc in w i h n e , an s o t ro s re n e
co n o t to te he me .
Work done = energy transferred * work done is in the direction of force
Work done = Fd = change in energy


Power = Energy (Can also be the change of energy)

General wave properties
- Waves transfer energy without transferring matter; particles oscillate about a fixed point.
Describing waves

, Wave front

- A line of crest
- Ray: the direction of travel
- Ray and wavefront are always at right angle

Amplitude: the maximum distance that the surface of the wave is displaced
Wavelength: the distance between 2 successive crest
Frequency: the number of waves sent out each second
Speed: the distance travelled by a wave each second

Types of waves
Transverse wave
- The vibration is perpendicular to the direction
of energy transfer
Ex: water wave, light, radio, ultraviolet
Longitudinal waves
- The vibration is parallel to the direction of
energy transfer
Ex: sound

- Waves reflect off smooth, plane surfaces rather than
getting absorbed
Angle Of Incidence = Angle of reflection
- Rough surfaces scatter the light in all directions, so they appear
matte and unreflective
- Frequency, wavelength, and speed are all unchanged
- The speed of a wave changes when it enters a new medium
- If the wave enters a more optically dense medium, its speed
decreases and it bends towards the normal
- If the wave enters a less optically dense medium, its speed

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