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Test Bank For Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice 5th Edition By Ray Surette 9781285802442 Chapter 1-11 Complete Guide . 24,35 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank For Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice 5th Edition By Ray Surette 9781285802442 Chapter 1-11 Complete Guide .

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  • Media, Crime, And Criminal Justice 5th Edition

Test Bank For Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice 5th Edition By Ray Surette 2442, 6 , 7956, 9 1: Crime, Justice, and Media 2: New Media and Social Constructionism 3: Images of Crime and Criminality 4: Criminogenic Media 5: Crime Fighters 6: The Courts 7: Corrections 8: Crim...

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  • Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice 5th Edition
  • Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice 5th Edition
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T e s t B a n k F o r M e d i a , C r i m e , a n d C r i m i n a l J u s t i c e 5 t h E d i t i o n B y R a y S u r e t t e 9 7 8 1 2 8 5 8 0 2 4 4 2 C h a p t e r 1 - 1 1 C o m p l e t e G u i d e .
Complete Test bank, All Chapters are included. 14Chapter 1 Test Bank
Multiple Choice 1.Which of the following is NOT an area in which media portraits of crime and justice influence public perceptions? a.What behaviors should be criminalized b.Who should be punished c.What the punishment should be d.Who should be in charge of punishments Ans: D Ref: 2 LO: 1 2.Which of the following is an example of a memorial criminal justice policy? a. Boston Gun Project b.Megan’s Law c.CSI
d. Victims of Crime Act Ans: B Ref: 2 LO: 2 3.A high profile murder case ended a year ago and images of the defendant during the case are still appearing in the local news, on various Internet sites, and even in select movies. This is an example of which of the following? a.Looping b.Narrowcasting c.Interactivity d.a Mediated Experience Ans: A Ref: 5 LO: 1 4.Which of the following is NOT a general example of how media can serve as a powerful potential solution to crime? a.By helping to reduce violence and drug use b.By deterring criminal acts c.By providing the public with up-to-date footage of all major crime cases d.By bolstering the image of the criminal justice system Ans: C Ref: 5 LO: 1 155.Which of the following is NOT one of the four general types of media? a.Print b.Sound c.Visual d.Internet Ans: D Ref: 6 LO: 4 6.In early U.S. Penny Press newspapers, crime was portrayed according to what orientation? a.Race-oriented b.Gender-oriented c.Class-oriented d.All of the above Ans: C Ref: 6 LO: 3 7.Which of the following is a major difference between contemporary print media and contemporary electronic media? a.Each contains different types of messages. b.Print media is easier to select or avoid based on consumer preferences. c.Print media has fewer images. d.Print media is part of mass media while electronic media is not. Ans: B Ref: 9 LO: 4 8.Radio crime-and-justice programming have provided the model for which of the following :
a.modern-day crime and justice reality programming b.the contemporary stereotypes of criminals and criminal justice c.the exploitation of sensational heinous crimes d.all of the above Ans: D Ref: 11 LO: 5 169.Which type of media was the first to blanket all of society, meaning that content was available for the first time to every social, economic, and intellectual stratum? a.Radio b.Film c.Television d.Internet Ans: B Ref: 12 LO: 3 10.In 1975, crime shows accounted for approximately what percentage of prime time schedules? a.20 percent b.40 percent c.60 percent d.80 percent Ans: B Ref: 13 LO: 1 11.Which of the following is not a characteristic of new media? a.Narrowcasting b.On-demand access to content c.Inconvenience d.Interactivity Ans: C Ref: 14 LO: 4 12.Kelly, a news producer, notes that the public has been particularly interested in public school system sex scandals for a 6-week span and decides to feature similar stories. Kelly is selecting her news stories based on which of the following models? a.Market model b.Manipulative model c.Organizational model d.None of the above Ans: A Ref: 17 LO: 1

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