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*PASSED* Business English Assignment Lesson plan for Level 5 Advanced I-to-I TEFL Course 5,79 €   In den Einkaufswagen


*PASSED* Business English Assignment Lesson plan for Level 5 Advanced I-to-I TEFL Course

8 rezensionen
 1985 mal angesehen  35 käufe
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  • Hochschule

Business English lesson plan assignment for the advanced TEFL Course of I-to-I that I've completed and passed. I hope it can help you pass your assignment too. I have also included all the feedback provided by the Assessor. This document is only for aid and reference purposes. Please Do Not P...

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vorschau 2 aus 15   Seiten

  • 31. januar 2023
  • 15
  • 2022/2023
  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • A+

8  rezensionen


von: ldqete • 4 Wochen vor


von: chellanel • 7 Monate vor


von: charneoliphant • 9 Monate vor


von: chler • 10 Monate vor


von: kishinaannamalay • 1 Jahr vor


von: ayshasubhan • 1 Jahr vor


von: adelehepplewhite • 1 Jahr vor

The lesson plan is set out exactly what is needed to pass. You just have to use it as a guideline and you will pass. Thank you.

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
Teacher Amy 2022/06/15 Advanced 60 minutes

Lesson Type:
Business English
Lesson Topic:
Telephone Language (Speaking) – Making negotiations over the phone

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will By the end of the lesson, students will have…
be better able to…
 Students will be better able to negotiate  Students will have learnt the meaning, form, and
over the phone by making use of the pronunciation of 12 new language items that are
negotiation process and useful tactics known relevant to the negotiation process and tactics.
for effective negotiation.  Students will have listened to an example of a
 Students will be better able to communicate negotiation call and practiced identifying the
clearly in the context of negotiations over processes and tactics used.
the phone by practicing their speaking skills  Students will have roleplayed with a partner and
through a variety of activities. successfully completed a negotiation by making
 Students will be better able to identify which use of the target language, the process and the
tactics are being used and how to respond tactics they have learnt.

Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:

1. Japanese speakers usually mix ‘r’ and ‘l’ sounds. 1. To address problem sounds I will present students
For example: “Rice” – “Lice”. Japanese speakers with the phoneme, and we will drill the sounds until
also confuse the ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’ verbs and this they can clearly distinguish the difference between
can change the meaning of what they are trying the sounds and how to make them.
to say. For example: “That movie was boring.” –
“That movie was bored.”
2. I will ensure that the females are grouped with other
2. Since this is a male dominated class, the women female students or students they are familiar with to
may feel overwhelmed or fear speaking up. ensure that they participate and can comfortable
complete tasks.
3. Stronger students will be paired with other strong
students to ensure they are working at a pace they are
3. Stronger students with more advanced language
comfortable with. Should students find the tasks too
skills may dominate the tasks and weaker
easy and boring, the tasks will be adaptable to ensure
students may become demotivated. Students they don’t lose motivation and they stay engaged.
who are stronger may also become bored should
the tasks be too easy. 4. Students will follow a no L1 rule: When they are in the
English lesson, they must try their best to only
communicate in English. The development of their


, 4. Since all the students share the same L1 they language is really important and needs to be practiced
may communicate less in English and hinder consistently.
their progress.

Target Language Analysis

Language Item Function Pronunciation Concept Questions
“Shall we get down to Requesting to begin “/ - Is this a demand or a request?
business?” negotiations ʃæl/ (Request)
/wiː/ - Am I requesting to begin or end the
/gɛt/ negotiations? (Begin)
/daʊn/ - Have the negotiations already
/tuː/ /ˈbɪznɪs/?” begun? (No)
“We were looking to Stating the details of an “/ - Am I presenting my order request?
make an order of…” order wiː/ (Yes)
/wɜː/ - Am I stating the price of my order or
/ˈlʊkɪŋ/ the products I would like to order?
/tuː/ (The products)
/ən/ /ˈɔːdər/ /ɒv/…”
“What price did you have Requesting a client’s “/ - What details am I requesting? (The
in mind?” proposal wɒt/ clients price suggestion)
/praɪs/ - Am I requesting the clients price
/dɪd/ /juː/ /hæv/ /ɪn/ range, or the price marked by the
/maɪnd/?” business? (Clients)

“We were hoping for a Making a proposal “/ - Am I stating the product or the price?
price of…” wiː/ - Is the price guaranteed to be
/wɜː/ accepted? (No)
/ˈhəʊpɪŋ/ - Will this be negotiated? (Yes)
/fɔːr/ /
ə/ /praɪs/ /ɒv/…”
“We can only go as low Stating lowest price “/wiː/ /kæn/ /ˈəʊnli/ - Am I stating the maximum or
as…” possible /gəʊ/ minimum price that can be provided?
/æz/ /ləʊ/ /æz/…” (Minimum)
- Can the price go any lower? (No)
“The absolute bottom Stating lowest price “/ - Does the bottom limit mean the
limit is…” possible ði/ lowest or highest price available?
/ˈæbsəluːt/ (Lowest)
/ˈbɒtəm/ - Can the price go any lower? (No)
/ˈlɪmɪt/ /ɪz/…”
“Would you be willing to Proposing a “/ - Is this a suggestion or a demand?
meet us halfway?” compromise wʊd/ (Suggestion)
/juː/ - Are you meeting the person at a
/biː/ place? (No)
/ˈwɪlɪŋ/ - Are you offering a compromise? (Yes)
/miːt/ /ʌs/ /ˌhɑːf
“If you meet our Making concessions “/ - If the person does not meet the
condition, we would be ɪf/ condition will the proposal be
prepared to accept your /juː/ accepted? (No)
proposal.” /miːt/ /ˈaʊə/ /kən - Are you providing something in


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