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Quiz #3_ Unified Modeling Language (UML)_ CS6310 Software Architecture & Design Georgia Institute Of Technology CS 6310 10,29 €
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Quiz #3_ Unified Modeling Language (UML)_ CS6310 Software Architecture & Design Georgia Institute Of Technology CS 6310

1 bewertung
 3 mal verkauft
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Quiz #3: Unified Modeling Language (UML): CS6310 Software Architecture & Design Attempt History Attempt Time Score KEPT Attempt 2 6 minutes 30 out of 30 LATEST Attempt 2 6 minutes 30 out of 30 Attempt 1 9 minutes 26 out of 30  Correct answers are hidden. Score for this attempt: 30 out of...

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1  bewertung


von: audreyborges7 • 11 Monate vor

6/14/2021 Quiz #3: Unified Modeling Language (UML): CS6310 Software Architecture & Design

Quiz #3: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Due Jun 16 at 8am Points 30 Questions 30
Available Jun 7 at 8am - Jun 18 at 8am 11 days Time Limit 60 Minutes
Allowed Attempts 2

The following quiz has 30 questions (1 point each) consisting of 3 different question types:

Multiple Choice (single answer); and,
Multiple Answer (select all that apply, to include the possibility that none apply).

The questions are based on various aspects of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as described in
Craig Larman's text Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and
Design and Iterative Development, Third Edition (2005 version). The text can be accessed at
O'Reilly's Safari Books Online website via the Georgia Tech Library.

https://www.library.gatech.edu/ (https://www.library.gatech.edu/)

GT Library Link to Larman UML Text (https://gatech-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-


The main chapters of the Larman text that will be covered are:

6.17, 6.18, 9.14, 9.16, 13.5, 15, 16, 28, 29, 31

The quiz is open book/open notes. You are not allowed to seek assistance from fellow classmates or
other individuals, either directly or via any other communication channels including Piazza, Slack,
StackOverflow, etc.

You have multiple attempts to take the quiz. Each attempt will be timed to allow for a 60 minute
session. The highest of the attempts will be your final score. Please note that your final score will be
considered late (and penalized appropriately) if any of the attempts are submitted after the Due Date.

Also, like assignments, if you retake the quiz during the 2-day late period, your final score will be
penalized in accordance with the syllabus/course policies. It doesn't matter if you completed earlier
quizzes during the normal testing window.
https://gatech.instructure.com/courses/192904/quizzes/260681 1/12

, 6/14/2021 Quiz #3: Unified Modeling Language (UML): CS6310 Software Architecture & Design

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
KEPT Attempt 2 6 minutes 30 out of 30

LATEST Attempt 2 6 minutes 30 out of 30

Attempt 1 9 minutes 26 out of 30

 Correct answers are hidden.

Score for this attempt: 30 out of 30
Submitted Jun 14 at 9:09pm
This attempt took 6 minutes.

Question 1 pts

Even though activity diagrams are useful to visualize workflows and
business processes, they cannot take the place of use case text.



Question 2 pts

A join (in the context of activity diagrams) is unlike a merge in that the join
requires all inputs to arrive before continuing.



https://gatech.instructure.com/courses/192904/quizzes/260681 2/12

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