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i-to-i Adult Elementary (Vocabulary) Clothing Assignment 1 8,55 €
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i-to-i Adult Elementary (Vocabulary) Clothing Assignment 1

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Adult Elementary using Vocabulary with Clothing as the Subject. Will assist you as an example to past you're first assignment.

vorschau 4 aus 31   Seiten

  • 23. februar 2023
  • 31
  • 2022/2023
  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • A+
Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
Debbie van der Merwe 12 November 2022 Adult-Elementary 60 Minutes
Lesson Type: Vocabulary

Lesson Topic: Clothes

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Identify the meaning and pronunciation of the target vocabulary Students will have learned 10 new words. Students will be able to
and recognise them visually. identify these different words. Students will be able to recognise
them through pictures.

Will be able to identify these words in an exercise.

Target vocabulary:
Practise the new words by having a discussion with each other.
Shirt, jeans, trainers, dress, socks, skirt, shoes, jumper, trousers,
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:

1 Lesson Plan

,1. Students might have problems with singular and plural 1. Pre-teach “pair of shoes” – plural – but singular because its
nouns. Example: shoes, pants, socks 1 pair. Also, pants plural – but singular cause its one. Socks
is 2 - plural (“You don’t wear 1 shoe but 2 shoes”, “You
don’t wear 1 sock but 2 socks”, “Pants doesn’t mean 2 but it
2. Some students may be more confident than others and is 1 in a plural form”. Pants, shoes, and socks are plural
dominate quiet students. nouns).

3. Some students might get confused with different clothing 2. I will closely monitor the students during the lesson. This
items like hats, scarf, glasses, and gloves if someone in the would enable me to identify who the more dominant
class is wearing any of these items it can confuse the students are. By keeping these students in mind, I will
students during the lesson. encourage class participation from the quieter students.

4. Chinese students might struggle with the pronunciation of 3. The solution here is to not dwell too much on other items,
words with an “r” and “s” in them (dress, skirt, shirt, but bring the focus back to the target vocabulary.
jumper, trousers, trainers)

4. With words containing “r” I will practice the “r” by getting
the class to say “rrrr” – phonetically and by modelling the
5. The age span of the learners is significant and some older sound. Show students that their tongues should touch their
learners might feel uncomfortable if younger learners know palates.
more and vice versa.

2 Lesson Plan

, 5. Structure groups in a way where the young ones will be
together and the older ones are together.
Language analysis:

Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions

Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: Example:

huge very big, enormous using a picture of a mouse What’s the opposite of huge? Strong adjective / hjuːdʒ/
and an elephant to show Name a huge mountain.
large size

1. Shirt A shirt is a garment Can women and men Noun /ʃɜːt/ /shûrt/
made out of wear a shirt?
different materials
When do you wear a
for the upper body.
With what can you wear
I will show them a a shirt?

3 Lesson Plan

, 2. Jeans Jeans are a type of Can women and men Noun /dʒiːnz/ /dʒinz/
pants or trousers wear Jeans?
made from denim
What different jeans do
or dungaree cloth.
you get?
The term jean
refers to a When do you wear a
particular style of jean?
I will show them
trouser called “blue
3. Trainers Trainers are shoes Can women and men Noun /ˈtreɪnə(r)/
that people wear, wear Trainers?
especially for
Where can you buy
running or other
Why do we wear
I will show them a
pair of trainers.

4 Lesson Plan

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