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Summary Onderwereld by Fanie Viljoen - Chapter 11-20 Summaries in English and Afrikaans 4,27 €
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Summary Onderwereld by Fanie Viljoen - Chapter 11-20 Summaries in English and Afrikaans

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This summarises the Afrikaans First Additional Language (FAL) set book, Onderwereld by Fanie Viljoen, for matric from 2023. The summaries are in Afrikaans and English to help you understand what is happening and expand your vocabulary. Headings separate each chapter.

vorschau 4 aus 31   Seiten

  • Ja
  • 25. februar 2023
  • 31
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
  • 200

7  rezensionen


von: chamas • 7 Monate vor


von: domStrydom • 7 Monate vor

Hi Chamas :) I'm sorry that you didn't feel like the summary was worth a higher rating. What would you like to see improved?


von: ebaladakis1 • 8 Monate vor


von: dominiquebrookspienaar • 5 Monate vor


von: tsweloh6 • 1 Jahr vor


von: rubycarlson24 • 1 Jahr vor


von: angelasonemann • 1 Jahr vor


von: rachelverheul03 • 1 Jahr vor

Onderwêreld deur Fanie Viljoen
Afrikaans FAL Set Book

Chapter 11 - Chapter 20 Summaries in Afrikaans and English

Copyright© 2023 Dominique Strydom

, Onderwêreld deur Fanie Viljoen

Hoofstuk 11 - Twee foto’s

Doktor Pienaar sê Andersen moet die rekenaartegnikus, Thompsen, bel om met Eckardt se
rekord te help. Hy bly in Harrismith en sal ‘n ent moet ry. Dis waarvoor hy betaal word. Doktor
Pienaar klink baie gestres. Greg hoor dat daar geen kontakpersone of name op Eckardt Wilken
se rekord is nie. Net sy naam.

Terug in sy koshuiskamer, kan Greg nie slaap nie. Dit voel vir hom asof Eckardt nie wil hê hy
moet slaap nie, nes die paar dae nadat John dood was. Greg hoop dat Eckardt oukei is. Sy
selfoon en rekenaar is nog in sy kamer. Alles meot sin maak. Greg staan op. Die koshuisgang is
koud en stil. Hy loop na Eckardt se kamer toe. Kwanele is ook wakker. Hy was besig om op die
Saterdagaand te studeer. Greg sê hy was net oppad badkamer toe. Nadat Greg seker is dat
Kwanele kamer toe is, loop hy na die trappe toe waar oom Ian, die koshuivader, die loper vir die
verdieping wegsteek. Eckardt het hom gewys dat oom Ian dit daar sit om dit maklik te kry. By die
trap is twee van Da Vinci se uitvindsels: die pantsevoertuig en helikopter. Die loper is in die
pantsevoertuig se romp.

Greg sluit Eckardt se kamer oop en luister of iemand hom
gevolg het. Dis stil. Die kamer lyk nes hy dit onthou het. Die
polisie het nog niks gevat nie en die speurders was nog nie in
die kamer nie. Greg kyk rond en kom agter dat die Wilkense
familie foto vervang is. Die foto het net een wit hoed op ‘n
swart agtergrond. Greg neem die foto saam met hom na sy
kamer toe en steek die loper weer weg. Greg onthou dat
Eckardt vir hom ‘n MMS met dieselfde foto gestuur. Hy haal sy
foon uit en sien dat die foto in sy hand ‘n webadres en “Ekk-0”
daarop het. Die webadres is www.sekurekit.com.

Greg kry sy rekenaar uit en tik die webadres in Firefox in. Dis blykbaar veiliger as Internet
Explorer volgens Eckardt. Dit is ‘n webwerf om ‘n sternography-program af te laai. Die program
laat ‘n mens weggesteekte boodskappe in foto’s te sien. Iets soos ‘n foto in ‘n ander foto of ‘n
dokument in ‘n foto. Terroriste soos Osama Bin Laden het so iets gedoen om hulle teiken se

Copyright© 2023 Dominique Strydom

, Onderwêreld deur Fanie Viljoen

foto’s weg te steek. Greg laai die program af en laai ook die MMS van sy foon af. Greg kyk of
daar virusse in die program is voordat hy dit gebruik. Dis al na twaalf en Greg se kop voel sleg,
maar hy wil weet wat in die foto weggesteek is. Greg laai die foto in die program en hy moet ‘n
wagwoord intik. “Ekk-0” het ook op die foto gestaan. Greg tik dit in en ‘n boodskap verskyn. Dit
gee nog ‘n webtuiste: www. Ekk-os_underworld.co.za. Greg kopieër dadelik die webadres in sy
browser. Die webwerf is eenvoudig. Net een invul-veld en twee woorde: “Enter password”.

Chapter 11 - Two Photos

Doctor Pienaar says that Andersen needs to call the computer specialist, Thompson, to fix
Eckardt’s record. He stays in Harrismith and would need to drive all the way. That’s what he’s
paid for. Doctor Pienaar sounds stressed out. Greg hears that there is no contact information on
Eckardt’s record. Only his name: Eckardt Wilken.

Back in his room, Greg can’t fall asleep. It’s as if Eckardt doesn’t want him to, just like in the days
right after John died. Greg hopes that Eckardt is fine. His cell phone and laptop are still in his
room. Everything has to make sense. Greg gets up. The boarding house corridors are cold and
quiet. Kwanele is also awake. He was busy studying that Saturday evening. Greg says he was on
his way to the bathroom. When he’s sure that Kwanele went to his room, Greg walks towards the
stairs where uncle Ian, the boardinghouse father, hides the keys to the floor. Eckardt showed him
that that’s where Ian keeps the keys to find them easily. At the stairs, there are models of two of
Da Vinci’s inventions: the armoured vehicle and helicopter. The keys are in the armoured vehicle.

Greg unlocks Eckardt’s room and listens if anyone followed
him. Everything is quiet. He looks around the room but
everything is like he remembers. The police didn’t take
anything and the detectives weren’t there yet. Greg realises
that the Wilkens family photo on Eckardt’s notice board has
been replaced. The new photo is of a white hat on a black
background. Greg takes the photo with him back to his room
after he hid the keys again. Greg remembers that Eckardt sent

Copyright© 2023 Dominique Strydom

, Onderwêreld deur Fanie Viljoen

him the same photo over MMS. He sees that on the real photo, there is a website,
www.securekit.com, and the words “Ekk-0”.

Greg immediately visits the website on Firefox. Apparently, Firefox is safer than Internet Explorer
according to Eckardt. It’s a website to download a stenography programme. Stenography is the
practice to read hidden messages in photos. Something like hiding one photo is another or
hiding a document in a photo. Terrorists like Osama Bin Laden used it to hide photos of their
targets in documents. Greg downloads the programme and the MMS from his phone. He scans
the programme for viruses before using it. It’s already past twelve and Greg’s head feels bad but
he wants to know what is hidden in the photo. He uploads the photo and he needs to enter a
password. “Ekk-0” also stood on the photo, so Greg types it in. It works. A message appears. It’s
another website: www. Ekk-os_underworld.co.za. Greg copies it and pastes it into his web
browser. The website is simple with one input field and two words: Enter Password.

Copyright© 2023 Dominique Strydom

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