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Class notes Pybeg98 7,99 €
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Class notes Pybeg98

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Lecture notes of 5 pages for the course Pybeg98 at Berechja College (python notes)

vorschau 2 aus 5   Seiten

  • 27. februar 2023
  • 5
  • 2022/2023
  • Notizen
  • Doc. sidharth
  • Alle klassen
Python for Beginners 1: Install and Setup for Mac and
In this series of videos we 'll be going over the basics of Python programming. I get a lot of
messages from people who say that they enjoy my Python videos, but that they 're either just
getting started out in programming or coming from another language and would like a beginner
's overview of Python so that they can better understand the more advanced topics. we 're going
to learn how to install Python and set up our development environment. we 're just going to
agree to some terms. You can change the install location if you want i 'm just leaving that as
default. that it already detected that we 're on a mac and has offered up Python 3 or Python 2
and you want to go with the latest version Python 3. 6 so that's going to download a PkG file and
we will click on. This to go ahead and start the installation. once that 's finished installing it will
place a Python [UNK] directory in your applications folder. Python 3 is what allows the Python 3
command to work so we 'll move down here below to the bottom and add an alias. Not to do
this all we have to do is say alias Python equals Python 3 and you want to make sure it looks
exactly like this no space between the equals or anything like that so now to save this. We can
just hit Ctrl x to close hit y that to say that we want to save it and then hit enter to keep that
same name.

So let 's go ahead and run this download and we should get this popup. add Python 3 6 to your
path will allow the Python command to work within the command prompt. the interactive
prompt allows us to write one line of Python at a time. So, for example, for a hello world
application. to create a Python file. We 're going to need some kind of plain text editor. When we
downloaded Python it came with an editor called idle So let 's open up that idle program so
again on Windows that 's in the Python 3 6 folder that we opened up earlier and on the mac. It 's
just down here and our applications and we can go ahead and open this up so I 'm going ahead
and make the font a little bit bigger here by going to my preferences just so that. Everyone can
see. you do n't need anything fancy to run these Python scripts, so if you wanted to, then you
could follow through all of my videos using this idle application like we have running here and
then running the script from the command line.. If you plan on doing a lot of Python

, programming, then you 'll likely want to upgrade to a better editor. Now you can use any kind of
plain text text text editor that you want..

In this video, we walk through how to install Python on both Mac and Windows. we also looked
at how to run Python interactively within the terminal or command line.. In the next video, we 'll
start learning about variables and datatypes and specifically we 're going to look at the string

Python for Beginners 2: Strings - Working with Textual Data
We'll be learning about Python Data types and specifically We 'll be learning how to work with
textual data and textual data in Python are represented with strings. By convention. Our
variables are usually all lowercase and if it 's multiple words, then we separate those with
underscore. Python does n't need that it operates on Whitespace alone, which makes it a very
clean language.. Python sees this single quote within our text as being the end of the string and
it 's not going to know what to do with what comes after that single quote here because it thinks
that 's where the string is closing.' Python uses double quotes on the outside of any string that
contains single quotes.. IF. We know that our string contains a single quote, then we can instead
use double quotes. We can use the [ Len function, which stands for length.. TO access our
strings characters individually. We can access characters individually.. WE can also access a
range of characters. THe first index. Here is our starting point, and the second in that index
which is separated by this colon is THe stopping point..

Python for Beginners 3: Integers and Floats - Working with
Numeric Data
In this video, we 'll be learning how to work with numeric data in Python. numbers are most
commonly represented with integers and floats.. the difference between an integer and a float is
that an integer is a whole number. in Python 3., division can be performed by adding 2 division
signs so if i print out 3 minus 2 that should be 1/3 times 2 should be equal to 6 and 3 divided by

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