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Summary Information Techonology 6,39 €
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Summary Information Techonology

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Summary of Information Technology (book: Principles of Business information systems). Chapters 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13.

vorschau 4 aus 33   Seiten

  • Nein
  • Hoofdstuk 1, 2, 4 t/m 8, 11, 12, 13
  • 29. märz 2023
  • 33
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
Information Technology Summary
Amsib - Year 1 - Information Technology

Chapter 1

1.1 what is an information system?
System (P. 4)= a set of elements or components that interact to accomplish goals.
Systems have inputs, processing mechanisms, outputs and feedback

Efficiency = a measure of what is produced divided by what is consumed.

Effectiveness = a measure of the extent to which a system achieves its goals; it can
be computed by dividing the goals actually achieved by the total of the stated goals.

System performance standard = A specific objective of the system

Information system (IS) (P.6-7) = a set of interrelated components that collect,
manipulate, store and disseminate information and provide a feedback mechanism
to meet an objective. It is the feedback mechanism that helps organizations achieve
their goals, such as increasing profits or improving customer service.

In information systems, input is the activity of gathering and capturing data.
Processing means converting or transforming this input into useful outputs.
Processing can involve making calculations, comparing data and taking alternative
actions, and storing data for future use.

Output involves producing useful information, usually in the form of documents and
reports. Outputs can include paycheques for employees, reports for managers, and
information supplied to stockholders, banks, government agencies and other groups.
In addition, output from one system can become input for another.

Feedback = output that is used to make changes to input or processing activities.

Forecasting = predicting future events.

,Computer-based information system (CBIS) (P.9) = a single set of hardware,
software, databases, telecommunications, people and procedures that is configured
to collect, manipulate, store and process data into information.

- Hardware = any machinery (most of which uses digital circuits) that assists in
the input, processing, storage and output activities or an information system
- Software = the computer programs that govern the operation of the computer.
These programs allow a computer to process payroll, send bills to customers
and provide managers with information to increase profits, reduce costs and
provide better customer service.
- Database = an organized collection of facts and information, typically
consisting of two or more related data files. An organization’s database can
contain information on customers, employees, inventory, competitors’ sales,
online purchases and much more. Most managers and executives consider a
database to be one of the most valuable parts of a computer-based
information system.
- Telecommunications = the electronic transmission of signals for
communications, which enables organizations to carry out their processes
and tasks through computer networks.
- Networks = connect computers and equipment in a building, around the
country or around the world to enable electronic communication

Cloud computing (P.9)= a computing environment where software and storage are
provided as an Internet service and are accessed via a web browser.

Intranets = an internal company network built using Internet and World Wide Web
standards and products that allows people within an organization to exchange
information and work on projects.

Extranet = a network based on web technologies that allow selected outsiders, such
as business partners, suppliers or customers, to access authorized resources of a
company’s intranet.

Procedures include the strategies, policies, methods and rules for using the CBIS,
including the operation, maintenance and security of the computer. For example,
some procedures describe when each program should be run. Others describe who
can access facts in the database, or what to do if a disaster, such as a fire,
earthquake or hurricane, renders the CBIS unusable

,1.2 Business Information Systems
The most common types of information systems used in business organizations are
those designed for electronic and mobile commerce, transaction processing,
management information and decision support. Often in large organizations, one
information system is used to accomplish all of these tasks. In others, separate
systems are used. When one system is used it is called an Enterprise Resource
Planning System, and it does most if not all of the tasks of the other systems shown
in Figure 1.4. (P.12)

Transaction (P.14)= any business-related exchange, such as payments to
employees, sales to customers and payments to suppliers.

Transaction Processing System (TPS) = an organized collection of people,
procedures, software, databases and devices used to record completed business

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system = a set of integrated programs
capable of managing a company’s vital business operations for an entire multisite,
global organization.

E-commerce = any business transaction executed electronically between
companies (business-to-business), companies and consumers
(business-to-consumer), consumers and other consumers (consumer-to-consumer),
business and the public sector, and consumers and the public sector.

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) = conducting business transactions electronically
using mobile devices such as smartphones.

Electronic Business (e-business) = using information systems and the Internet to
perform all business-related tasks and functions.

, Management information system (MIS) (P.16) = an organized collection of people,
procedures, software, databases and devices that provides routine information to
managers and decision-makers.

Decision support system (DSS) (P.17) = an organized collection of people,
procedures, software, databases and devices used to support problem-specific

Many use knowledge management systems (KMSs) (P.18), an organized
collection of people, procedures, software, databases and devices to create, store,
share and use the organization’s knowledge and experience. According to a survey
of CEOs, firms that use KMSs are more likely to innovate and perform better

Artificial intelligence (AI) = the ability of computer systems to mimic or duplicate
the functions or characteristics of the human brain or intelligence.

Learning systems (P.18) = allow computers to learn from past mistakes or
experiences, such as playing games or making business decisions, and neural
networks is a branch of AI that allows computers to recognize and act on patterns or

Expert systems (P.19) = a system that gives a computer the ability to make
suggestions and act like an expert in a particular field (or) hardware and software
that stores knowledge and makes inferences, similar to a human expert.

- Knowledge base = a component of an expert system that stores all relevant
information, data, rules, cases and relationships used by the expert system.

Virtual Reality = the simulation of a real or imagined environment that can be
experienced visually in three dimensions.

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