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NBDE Part II – (Fall2022/2024) Exam 100% Solved 11,53 €   In den Einkaufswagen


NBDE Part II – (Fall2022/2024) Exam 100% Solved

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Which of the following best explains why the renal excretion of salicylic acid is increased in an alkaline urine? A. The urine volume is decreased. B. The percentage of salicylic acid that is ionized in urine is increased. C. The percentage of salicylic acid that is ionized in urine is decreas...

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  • 6. april 2023
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  • NBDE
NBDE Part II – (Fall2022/2024) Exam 100% Solv ed
Which of the following best explains why the renal excretion of salicylic acid is increased
in an alkaline urine?
A. The urine volume is decreased.
B. The percentage of salicylic acid that is ionized in urine is increased.
C. The percentage of salicylic acid that is ionized in urine is decreased.
D. Decreasing urine pH usually increases the renal excretion of weak acids. - ANSWER-B. The percentage of salicylic acid that is ionized in urine is increased.
X-rays are produced when
A. Protons strike the anode.
B. Electrons strike the anode.
C. The anode is heated above 3,000 degrees Centigrade.
D. The filament becomes positively charged. - ANSWER-B. Electrons strike the anode.
Primary crown mineralization (calcification) generally begins
A. In the third to sixth week in utero.
B. In the second trimester.
C. In the third trimester.
D. At birth. - ANSWER-B. In the second trimester.
Which of the following best describes the usual behavioral characteristics of a child who
has Down syndrome?
A. Crying and stubborn
B. Hyperactive and disoriented
C. Smiling, affectionate, and easily distracted
D. Fearful and unresponsive to verbal communication - ANSWER-C. Smiling, affectionate, and easily distracted
A member of the dental staff routinely fails to clean up his work area. Which of the following best exemplifies an assertive message that could be made by a co-worker?
A. If you refuse to do your part, I'm just going to have to report the situation to the boss.
B. When you don't help with the clean-up, it makes me angry because I have to do both your work and my own.
C. I'm tired of cleaning up your mess!
D. I hope you'll remember to help me clean up today. E. Is something bothering you? You sometimes forget to clean up. - ANSWER-B. When you don't help with the clean-up, it makes me angry because I have to do both your work and my own.
The crown of an endodontically-treated maxillary lateral incisor is fractured near the gingival margin. The coronal end of the silver cone used in filling that canal is visible at that level. The findings reveal that the existing root canal filling meets all criteria to be judged successful. Which of the following is the best way to obtain the needed post space?
A. To prepare it alongside the silver cone using burs and Peeso reamers.
B. To carefully grind away the coronal part of the silver cone using round burs or end-
cutting burs.
C. To remove the silver cone and re-treat the canal using a gutta-percha technique, and
then to create the needed post space.
D. To remove the silver cone, notch it 4 mm from the apical end, coat it with freshly mixed sealer, replace it in the canal, and "twist-off" the coronal segment. - ANSWER-C. To remove the silver cone and re-treat the canal using a gutta-percha technique, and then to create the needed post space.
After receiving one cartridge of a local anesthetic, a healthy adult patient became unconscious in the dental chair. The occurrence of a brief convulsion is
A. Pathognomonic of grand mal epilepsy.
B. Consistent with a diagnosis of syncope.
C. Usually caused by the epinephrine in the local anesthetic.
D. Pathognomonic of intravascular injection of a local anesthetic. - ANSWER-B. Consistent with a diagnosis of syncope.
The axial wall of an occlusolingual amalgam preparation on a maxillary molar should be in dentin and
A. Parallel to the dentinoenamel junction.
B. Parallel to the long axis of the tooth.
C. At an acute angle with the pulpal floor. - ANSWER-A. Parallel to the dentinoenamel junction.
During the mixed dentition stage, which of the following appliances should be used as a space maintainer for missing primary molars in the mandibular arch?
A. Distal shoe
B. Nance holding arch
C. Passive lingual arch
D. Removable acrylic functional - ANSWER-C. Passive lingual arch Accepted methods for closing a diastema between maxillary central incisors include using either a removable appliance with finger springs or
A. A rubber elastic around the two teeth.
B. A steel ligature around the two teeth.
C. Bonded brackets with intertooth traction. - ANSWER-C. Bonded brackets with intertooth traction.
Each of the following developmental cysts appears on radiographs EXCEPT one. Which
one is this EXCEPTION?
A. Nasolabial
B. Median palatal
C. Globulomaxillary
D. Nasopalatine - ANSWER-A. Nasolabial
When trying-in a porcelain fused-to-metal crown, the dentist observes that the gingival-
margin finish-line integrity is excellent, but that the occlusal surface is 1 mm too high. Which of the following is the most probable cause?
A. Incorrectly related casts
B. Proximal contacts being too tight
C. A distortion of the metal during firing
D. An expansion of the porcelain during firing - ANSWER-A. Incorrectly related casts
The Health Belief Model attempts to explain patient recommendations by
A. Examining patients' perceptions of disease-seriousness and of the treatment effectiveness.
B. Focusing on the doctor-patient relationship.
C. Emphasizing the barriers that are external to behavior D. Change, for example, payment mechanisms.
E. Focusing on patients' skills at carrying out recommendations. - ANSWER-A. Examining patients' perceptions of disease-seriousness and of the treatment effectiveness.
Which of the following represents the MOST effective way of encouraging a child to floss regularly?
A. Presenting a message that concerns the potential loss of teeth, should the patient not
B. Arranging for the child to earn privileges for flossing.
C. Repeating periodically the message on the value of flossing.
D. Providing written material that explains the mechanism of flossing. - ANSWER-B. Arranging for the child to earn privileges for flossing.

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