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Samenvatting - Migration & Culture In Educational Relationships 4,39 €
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Samenvatting - Migration & Culture In Educational Relationships

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Deze samenvatting bevat alle lessen van migration & culture in educational relationships. Met deze samenvatting behaalde ik een 14/20 op het examen. De samenvatting is in het Engels.

vorschau 3 aus 25   Seiten

  • 20. april 2023
  • 25
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
Migration & Culture in Educational Relationships
PART 1: conceptualization of the notion of ‘culture’ in educational relationships
Development and parenting practices in cultural context: meaning systems, migration and social condition
1.1. The role of culture in (child) development: core models
 ‘Social-ecological models’ & ‘developmental niche model’
o Harkness and Super: developmental niche
o Weisner: ecocultural understanding of children’s developmental pathways
o Bose: Bangladeshi parental ethnotheories in the United Kingdom: Towards cultural
collaborations in clinical practice
 Cultural meaning systems in understand & coping with developmental & educational
o Jegathesaan: From symptom recognition to services: How South Asion Muslim
immigrant families navigate autism

1.2. A gradual conceptualisation of culture
Hassan & Rousseau: North African & Latin American parents’ and adolescents’ perceptions of
physical discipline and physical abuse: When dysnormativity begets exclusion.
 Static notion of culture: etno-specificy
 Dynamic notion of culture: discursive perspective on culture/ creolization
 Locus of social inequality
Garcia Coll: An integrative model for the study of developmental competencies in minority
 Discipline (theory/practice) as cultural institutions

1.3. Implications for transcultural educational practice
 Intercultural communication
 Diagnostic/ethnographic assessment
Rousseau: Adressing Trauma in colalborative mental health care for refugee children
 Models of transcultural psychosocial intervention

PART 2: Diversity in Western multi-ethic societies – Cultural identification & belonging in educational
2.1. Acculturation models
Rousseau, C. Addressing trauma in collaborative mental health care for refugee children
Bourhis, R., Towards an interactive acculturation model : A social-psychological approach
2.2. A Family perspective on cultural belonging & identification
Lecompte, V. Challenges related to migration and child attachement: A pilot study with South Asian
immigrant mother-child dyads
Rousseau, C. From the family universe to the outside world: Family relations, school attitude and
perception of racism in Caribbean and Filipino adolescents
2.3. A social perspective on cultural belonging & identification

PART 3: transcultural educational practice in global context – international collaboration in schooling &
psychosocial care
Betancourt: high hopes, grim reality
3.1. Perspectives
 Child rights
 Social cohesion
3.2. Dual role of education in conflict
3.3. Conclusion
Tekst lecompte & Tekst: family universe tot the outside world

Migration & culture in educational relationships

, - Role of ‘culture’ in educational environments (with parents, at school,…)
- How different ‘cultures’ have an effect on education environments

Open book examination: printouts – readings - notes

PART 1: conceptualization of the notion of ‘culture’ in educational relationships

1.1.The role of culture in (child) development: core models

= De rol van cultuur in ontwikkeling: centrale modellen: hoe zijn kind ontwikkeling en opvoeding
gesitueerd in cultuur

Ecocultural understanding of children’s developmental pathways (Weisner, 2002)
The developmental niche: A conceptualization at the interface of child and culture. International
Journal of Behavioral Development (Harkness, & Super, 1986).
Bangladeshi parental ethnotheories in the United Kingdom: Towards cultural collaborations in
clinical practice. (Bose, 2014)

‘Social-ecological models’ & ‘developmental niche model’

- Analytic focus: the role of culture in de development & parenting
 Socialisation means introducing a specific cultural world/context
 Every process of socialisation is including culture
 Development is defined by a particular, cultural world
- Central interest: an ecological perspective on development:
 Cultural & social context as central determinant of individual development/behaviour
 Includes always particular, cultural context

Developmental trajectories in children belonging to ethnic minority groups (niet in tekst)
→ (How to look at children’s belonging to an ethnic group)

Comparative paradigm (theoretical left behind)

- Comparing child development in minority vs. majority groups
- ‘Etic’ perspective (= look at developmental trajectories as universality)
- Cultural characteristics as explanation for differential developmental patterns
 Ex. lower school results
- Conversion to ‘Deficit perspective’: look at different developmental outcomes and parenting in
minority groups as pathological, those cultural values and behaviours are not the norm
 Criticized because of genetic predisposition (genetische aanleg)
 You use the culture of these parents as something negative (= unequal comparism)

Cultural difference paradigm (is used nowadays, more realistic view)

- Problematisation of universal use of Western concepts of development
- Cultural specificity of notions of child development & parenting
 Questioning universal patterns of development and parenting
- Measurement of development on the criteria used in those culture’s
 Understanding that the care givers-child relationship are shaped by different culture
- ‘emic’ perspective (= meaning & parameters within cultural community)
- Understanding that the care givers-child relationship are shaped by different culture
- Look at what is considered “normal” development within that community
 Example: no eye contact vs. eye contact
- Variation in developmental paths & parenting practices
- Analysis of development & parenting from within an understanding of cultural meaning systems

In this course: cultural difference paradigm, but comparative paradigm is still not gone

- Comparative: generalize “that culture is like that”

, - Difference: Looking at how the community looks at a specific phenomenon

Social-economic model (cf. Bronfenbrenner)

- Development in different contexts and on different levels
- 3 different levels, children are in interaction with those levels
- Culture as something exogenous, culture does not play a part in this model

Developmental niche model: eco-cultural perspective on parenting and development (Weisner, 2002)

- In understanding parent-child interaction, look at culture aspect of the community
- Cultural ecology (p. 277, weisner)
 Safety of physical context, nutrition, attachment & basic trust, developmental stimulation,
developmental goals
o How do they occur in different cultural ecologies?
 A set of cultural patterns in which parent-child interaction is inscribed
 Importance of understanding how a community is set with a specific ecology
- Culture pathways in development are the most important ones
- Micro-context is cultural related
- Example: Western countries: protect children from labor, other country’s stimulate development
in participation in daily activities
- Eco-cultural perspective
 Takes into account that ecological and institutional factors have an impact on daily
activities from families, focus on the impact of the developmental niche
- How can you enter cultural pathways from parents and children?
 EFI = Ecocultural Family Interview (p. 277, Weisner)
 Asking parents and children directly about their daily activities/routines
 Includes also an observation
Harkness & Super (1986), ‘Developmental niche’-model
→ more a static lens on culture
3 subsystems who provide the cultural regulation of the development

(1) Physical & social setting
(2) Cultural parenting & care practices
(3) Psychology of caretakers: ‘parental ethnotheories/ ‘parental belief systems’
 Cultural notions of child development & behaviour
 Developmental goals/ parenting strategies/developmental needs
 Meaning-systems in understanding behaviour & interactions
→ Those are 1 big system and are continuous in interaction
→ are a homeostatic interaction that forms stabilisation (p. 599, Super & Harkness)
→ In direct interaction with development (>< Bronfenbrenner), micro level
→ Is a conceptualization of the shift from the paradigms

- Conceptualisation of the cultural regulation of the micro-context of child development
- Integration of 2 perspectives: developmental psychology & anthropology (p. 547, Super & Harkness)
 Developmental psychology (p. 549 Super & Harkness): limited focus on cultural structuring of
developmental context
 Cultural antropology: focus on culture in community, limited focus on children & parenting
(only adults)
→ integrate both of them in the developmental niche model
- Focus on the role of ‘culture’ in the micro-level of child developmental contexts: ‘ecocultural
perspective on development & parenting (Weisner)

Developmental ‘niche-model’ (Harkness & Super, 1986)

- 3 subsystems: (interacting, shaping each other’s)
 remains relatively stable: homeostatic model (if 1 subsystems change, the others too)

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