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Summary Lernzettel Immunobiology English 5,49 €
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Summary Lernzettel Immunobiology English

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Lernzettel zum Thema Immunobiology auf English aus dem bilingualen Unterricht.

vorschau 2 aus 8   Seiten

  • 15. mai 2023
  • 8
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Biologie
  • 2
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (1041)
What are pathogens? What are bacteria?
• bacteria, viruses and fungi are all microbes • cells that are big enough to be seen under the light microscope
• Not all harmfulsome of them are useful • Found everywhere (air, soil, water, …)
• Microbes that cause disease = pathogens • can also be found in living organisms
• not all diseases are caused by microbes • Some are useful, others can cause diseases

Structure of a bacteria
• many differences between bacterial cell and an
animal or plant cell
• Has a cell wall, but not made out of cellulose as in
plant cells
• No proper nucleus => loop of DNA
• other structures such as mitochondria are missing
• Often have additional loops of DNA

Destroying Pathogens How pathogens are spread
• heating In the air: can enter our body in the air we breath, due to
• radioactivity drops of liquids in the air when someone coughs or sneezes
• Disinfectants (chemicals)
• antiseptics (chemicals) By touching: can pick up pathogens by touching an infected
person, can also become infected by touching things that an
infected person has used (e.g. towels, combs or cups, …)
In food and water: Food and drink can be infected with
Natural barriers pathogens, are spread when infected faeces get into drinking
water, can be passed onto food by a person with dirty hands
• lungs: air passages have cells that make
mucus (sticky slime that traps dust and
microbes in the air that we breath in),
tiny hairs called cilia move to and fro Preventing infection
pushing the mucus up to your throat • wash your hands, wash your hair regularly
where it is swallowed • Have a regular bath or shower especially in hot weather
• Hair follicles: glands in your skin make an • clean your teeth at least twice a day, wash any cuts or scratches
antiseptic oil -> kills many pathogens and and put a plaster on it
keeps the skin supple • Food should be covered to keep flies away, water should be boiled
• cuts: blood clots and a scab forms ->
stops the pathogens from getting in
• Eyes: tear glands make an antiseptic
liquid containing the enzyme lysozyme
that kills pathogens
• stomach: acid made by the lining of your
stomach kills pathogens in food
• skin: dead, outer layer of your skin
forms a barrier to pathogens

, How viruses work
1. Virus enters the body
2. Viral DNA is injected into host cell
3. viral DNA instructs the enzymes in the host cell to make new
virus protein coats
4. Viral DNA multiplies inside the host cell
5. New Viral DNA and protein coats join together to make new
6. host cell bursts releasing new viruses
7. New viruses are now free to infect other cells

What are viruses?
• are pathogens • can be very harmful and are the cause of many diseasea
• Can cause disease • => reproduce so quickly
• parasites => rely upon the cells of another • Do not respond to antibiotics and are constantly changing to produce
organism (the host) for food and to be able new resistant strains
to reproduce
• are extremely small, smaller than bacteria • epidemic: when an infectious disease spreads rapidly through a
than bacteria or fungi population
• Only visible under an electron micrscope • Pandemic: if the diseases spreads over a wide area, such as
• consists of a protein coat which surrounds a continent or the whole world
core of either DNA or (less often RNA)
• Not proper cells at all (no cell membrane and
no nucleus)
• can only exist inside living cells Malaria - general
• When they enter the host cell, they hijack What microbe is responsible for the disease?: Plasmodium
its enzymes and use them to make new Where do we find malaria?: Large areas of Africa, South Asis, Central/
viruses South America, Caribbean, Southeast Asia

symptoms Development How to treat:
• high fever Mosquito bites a person • anti-malarial drugs (quinine, chloroquine) ->
• chills V preventing the parasite spreading
Plasmodium is transmitted into blood • Development of vaccines to attack
• Heavy sweating
V different stages of parasite in the body
• may die Plasmodium invades red blood cells • insect repellents to prevent the mosquito
V from landing
Multiples and infects the person

How to prevent:
• draining ponds and pitches where the mosquito lays its eggs and where the larve develops (expensive and impossible to
drain all breeding areas)
• Stocking ponds and lakes with fish that eat mosquito larvae
• spraying insecticides on the surfaces on ponds and lakes to kill larvae and pupae
• Using nets treated with insecticide around peoples beds to protect them from mosquitoes

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