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Zusammenfassung - BWL - Informationswirtschaft (FIN301) 8,49 €
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Zusammenfassung - BWL - Informationswirtschaft (FIN301)

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Summary of 2 pages for the course BWL - Informationswirtschaft at JWGU (Eigene Notizen)

vorschau 1 aus 2   Seiten

  • 17. mai 2023
  • 2
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (5)
Lecture 8 SAP – SAP Process Management with SAP Signavio

 Market share leader in enterprise applications software, generates 87% of total global commerce with 46$ trillion
 99% of the largest companies are SAP customers, founded in 1972
 Ranked number 1 of all software companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 16 years
Vision: Enable enterprise to become intelligent and sustainable, bring them together in a global network, create a sustainable world
Customer imperatives (Kundenbedürfnisse): Business transformation, supply chain resilience, sustainability outcomes

SAP Signavio
= cloud-based business process management (BPM) software solution that helps organizations to model, analyze, and improve their
business processes. It enables businesses to gain insight into their operations and drive process improvement.
 Founded in 2012, start-up spirit inside a global company
 Provides a user-friendly, intuitive interface for creating and managing business process models. It uses a drag-and-drop
interface that allows users to easily create and modify process diagrams, as well as a library of pre-built templates and symbols
 Support for collaborative process modeling: Multiple users can work on the same process model simultaneously

Process analysis and mining: End-to-end process analysis for enterprise transformation and operation excellence programs
Process and journey modeling: Standardized process and journey management, stimulation and modeling
Process governance and automated execution: Maintain organizational and regulatory compliance of all documents
Process collaboration: Stakeholder alignment and active collaborating across departments

Signavio is the most comprehensive portfolio in process transformation solution: Important to create sustainable intelligent enterprise
 Is an end-to-end business transformation suite
 Provides the single source of truth for processes
 Joins the business and IT operating model
 Provides insights and a people-centric approach for better customer experience
 Allows fast insights into actions and data-driven decisions for your business
 Combines customer experience and operational excellence
 Leverage the wisdom of data today to build better solutions for tomorrow

Main feature: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
 Open non-proprietary organization
 Over 800 members (companies, incl. Signavio)
 Focus: Development of international model-based standards for programs, systems and business processes

Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) is the global standard for modeling

= graphical representation language used to model and design business processes
= precise, graphical notation for documenting business processes

 Resolves the ambiguities of textual process specifications by visually depicting the sequence of business activities and
information flows needed to complete a specific process
 Provides a standardized notation that allows different stakeholders to visualize, analyze, and improve their business processes,
making it easier and more efficient to communicate process information across teams and departments
 Allows organizations to define the steps, tasks, and events involved in a process, as well as the interactions between different
stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and employees
 Enables the modeling of complex workflows, decision-making processes, and exception handling

Difference to basic flow charts: BPMN is focus-orientated (modelling business process and process improvement), use standardized
notation (symbols and rules), are more detailed and include built-in automation capabilities to update data to certain conditions

 Reach faster agreement on current and future processes through unambiguous models
 Encourage stakeholder participation through graphically expressive notations
 Facilitate the analysis and improvement of operations
 Create a library of process flows, case definitions and business rules to train new employees

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