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Exploring Culture: Concepts of Culture, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Exam 2023 Questions and Answers Complete 8,75 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Exploring Culture: Concepts of Culture, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Exam 2023 Questions and Answers Complete

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Exploring Culture: Concepts of Culture, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Exam 2023 Questions and Answers Complete The name of the culture that exists within the dominant culture is subculture Cultural characteristics that are spread by mass media like movies and television are examples of cultural ...

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  • 30. mai 2023
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Exploring Culture: Concepts of Culture, Race, Ethnicity,
and Gender Exam 2023 Questions and Answers Complete
The name of the culture that exists within the dominant culture is
Cultural characteristics that are spread by mass media like movies and television
are examples of cultural __________.
Which of the following statements best describes changes to the culture of the
Inuit people?
Many traditions remain unchanged, but others have been modernized.
Which is a characteristic of popular culture?
quick to change its commonalities..
What was the most important reason the city of Boston chose to fill in much of
their swampy land and coastal areas?
More land was needed for its growing population.
Popular culture __________.
is fluid and can change quickly
Appropriation is best described as the process by which __________.
one culture adopts features from a nearby culture for its own benefit
Which of the following statements best summarizes the process of cultural
Cultures change over time as groups pass their values to other groups and adopt
practices practices of other groups.
Despite external influences, cultures don't change.
Which of the following is an example of cultural assimilation?
Restaurants in California adapt Chinese dishes for American tastes.
Which of the following events led to ethnic conflict in the Balkans in 1989?
Yugoslavian republics declared independence after Serbia attempted to dominate
minority groups.
Scientists have shown that a person's race is determined by a set of biological
traits found in their DNA.
What was the biggest reason the government of South Africa created a policy of
to ensure that a racial minority group kept its political and economic dominance
Apartheid is best described as the system used by __________.
South Africa from 1948 to 1994 to separate races
Race and ethnicity are interchangeable terms; both are used to describe a
person's skin tone.
Place the following events in chronological order:

I. Muslims and Croats are killed in ethnic cleansing.

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