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NST2601 Assignment 3 2023 (Full Solutions) Explanations and Table of Contents for easy access! 2,65 €   In den Einkaufswagen


NST2601 Assignment 3 2023 (Full Solutions) Explanations and Table of Contents for easy access!

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NST2601 Assignment 3 2023 Answers with Explanations and Table of Contents for easy access!

vorschau 3 aus 30   Seiten

  • 7. juni 2023
  • 30
  • 2022/2023
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
,Questions Covered:
QUESTION 1 ............................................................................................................. 3
1.1. Identify any rectangular object in your surroundings or locality. a Draw the
object in the third orthographic angle projection. .................................................... 3
B) Explain in detail the steps you followed in drawing the object ............................ 3
1.2. Water can still be used in a hydraulic system to lift some objects. Investigate
suitable instruments or equipment in your context or environment that can be used
to build a working, homemade hydraulic system. ................................................... 5
Extra: ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Investigate the circumstances or conditions under which hydraulic
accumulators and bottle jacks are used in a workplace and give your own
analyses (with practical examples). ........................................................................ 9
QUESTION 2 ........................................................................................................... 11
2.1 ` Draw a circuit diagram with four (4) parallel-connected switches for your input
gates, a battery source, and a single lamp (use symbols). ................................... 11
2.2 Determine a truth table depicted in 2.1. .......................................................... 14
2.3 Give your interpretation of the circuit in 2.1 using the systems approach ....... 15
2.4 State the logic gate depicted from the outputs in 2.1 ...................................... 16
QUESTION 3 ........................................................................................................... 16
3.1. What does this table depict? .......................................................................... 16
3.2. Explain to a friend in not less than 4 points what each section of the table
represents. ............................................................................................................ 17
QUESTION 4 ........................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Consider activity 7.1 and activity 8.1 in your study guide. Answer the following
questions in each activity: ..................................................................................... 21
(a) Activity 7.1 ....................................................................................................... 21
(2) A battery with an electromotive force of 1.52 V and an internal resistance of 0.8
Ω is connected across a bulb. The current flowing through the bulb is 0.3 ........... 21
A. Calculate the potential difference across the bulb. ........................................... 21
(3) Suppose cells have an electromotive force of 14 V. If a resistor of 20 Ω is
connected across the cells, the terminal potential difference is 12 V. Determine the
current through the 20 Ω resistor and the internal resistor of the cells .................. 21
Extra: .................................................................................................................... 21
(5) A geyser in a home that has a power rating of 3,2 kW is connected across a
220 V electric supply. Calculate the current drawn from the electric supply, the
resistance of the geyser element and the energy consumed after an hour .......... 22


, (b) Activity 8.1 ....................................................................................................... 24
(2) What is the function of a feeler gauge? ........................................................... 24
(3) What is the difference between a vice grip and a wrench in terms of their
structure and functions? ....................................................................................... 24
(4) Why do some technicians use Allen keys instead of self-tapping screws to
fasten joints? ........................................................................................................ 25
(5) Explain the method by which a micrometer is used to determine the depth or
the size of an object. ............................................................................................. 27
4.2 Reflect on 4.1 as follows: ................................................................................ 28
A) Which section(s) of the module content are addressed by activities 7.1 and 8.1?
.............................................................................................................................. 28
B) What challenge(s) did you encounter in completing the activities? .................. 28
C) How did you overcome the challenges? .......................................................... 28


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