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Class notes Physics

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Electric charges and fields are fundamental concepts in physics that describe the behavior and interaction of charged particles. The study of electric charges and fields falls under the branch of physics known as electromagnetism, which is concerned with the electromagnetic force and its various ma...

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  • 15. juni 2023
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  • 2022/2023
  • Interview
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  • Mittelschule
  • 1
Electric Charges and Fields


Electric charges and fields are fundamental concepts in physics that describe the
behavior of electrically charged particles and the forces they exert on one another. This
branch of physics, known as electromagnetism, plays a crucial role in understanding a
wide range of phenomena, from the behavior of atoms and molecules to the functioning
of electronic devices. In this comprehensive explanation, we will explore the nature of
electric charges, the properties of electric fields, and the fundamental principles that
govern their interactions.

Electric Charges

Electric charges are intrinsic properties of particles that determine their electromagnetic
interactions. There are two types of electric charges: positive and negative. Protons,
which are found in atomic nuclei, carry a positive charge, while electrons, which orbit
the nucleus, carry a negative charge. The charge of an electron is equal in magnitude
but opposite in sign to the charge of a proton. This charge is referred to as the
elementary charge, denoted by 'e,' and has a value of approximately 1.602 x 10^(-19)

The conservation of electric charge is a fundamental principle, stating that the total
electric charge in an isolated system remains constant. This means that the net charge
of a closed system is conserved in all physical processes, including the creation or
destruction of charges. This principle is an essential concept in electromagnetism and is
supported by experimental evidence.

Charge Quantization

Charge quantization is another important concept in the realm of electric charges. It
states that electric charge exists in discrete, indivisible units, meaning that all charges in
nature are integer multiples of the elementary charge 'e.' This observation has been
experimentally confirmed, and no evidence of fractional charges has been discovered so
far. The quantization of electric charge is a fundamental property of the universe and
underlies many phenomena in electromagnetism.

Coulomb's Law

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